11. The Unexpected

Start from the beginning

Lily looked at him as he handed her the flowers, and sighed.

"Get down from there, Potter. Honestly, standing on the table? What's gotten into you?"

A crushed look on his face, James stepped down to the floor. Lily brought the roses to her face and inhaled the lovely scent, before facing Potter again. The Hall was so quiet, you could have heard a needle dropping to the floor. It was like every student and teacher was holding their breath. Would she burst at him with rage? Would there be slapping? Would she call him names? It had happened before, and they were eager to hear each and every word she said to him.


For five whole seconds, it seemed as if time had stopped. Then, it came like a hurricane. The Hall burst into applause, people were screaming, crying, yelling, jumping upside down, hugging, screeching, banging their plates and cups, whether with joy or something else, every single person in the Hall was reacting somehow.

Well, apart from James, that is.

He stood there, in front of Lily, who was smirking like she knew exactly how James would react. Sirius jumped on James' back, laughing, and only then did he seem to wake up from the shock her answer had caused.

Only those close to him could hear over the noise when he stepped closer to Lily, and looked into her eyes, asking.


And how she answered.


And then James scooped her into a tight hug, only to let her go a few seconds later with a panicked look on his face, afraid that she would change her mind.

But Lily was smiling at him, reaching for him.

"Come here, you idiot."

And the whole Hall watched as James Potter swirled Lily Evans around, both of them laughing.

Alice and Marlene were screaming and hugging each other, Marlene sobbing. Remus and Peter gave each other a high five. Sirius looked a bit baffled that he had been the reason that James finally got together with Lily. He would of course be there to remind them of the fact, there was no doubt of that. Frank stayed a bit back, but was still smiling widely.

But Lily Luna Potter, not as surprised that her grandparents got together, turned her head to the teachers' table just in time to see how a smiling, but a little displeased Professor McGonagall handed some golden coins over to a delighted Professor Dumbledore.

If she had been close enough, she could have heard how the older witch grumbled under her breath.

"A month, for Merlin's sake! I was so sure she could hold on till Christmas..."

To which Dumbledore would laugh and say.

"My dear Minerva, you underestimated the feelings she already had for him. But, if you are so sour about losing the bet, I can buy you a drink at their wedding, if you like."

And even though the students could hear them, they could all see how the strict and merciless Professor McGonagall nodded, smiled and dug out a plaid handkerchief to dry out the few tears that had dared to escape her eyes and blew her nose softly. 

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