Two Facts for the Price of One

92 8 15

'Wait I want James here for this' I gave him a quick nod of my head and he comes and stands behind me. I gave a little jump as James spoke as it was unexpected. 'Before you say or spread rumours that Camilla has been cheating on her husband, I can reassure you that she has not. I can tell you this as I am her husband.' I give his hand a squeeze to tell him it was a great speech. We wait a minute while they stand gobsmacked before telling them about the twins. 'So what you having' says Chizzy. 'Well currently they are playing football with my bladder, yeah we're having twins.' I turn and snuggle my hand into James's shoulder.
We are then serenade with congratulations.
Sorry it's so short but didn't know what to write.

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