20 Week Scan

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Sorry if I get this wrong, if u correct me I will go back and edit it.
Me and James had where going to my 20 week scan today. We where both nervous but that's expected. We left during our lunch break.
We had been sat in the waiting room for 5 minutes but it felt like hours. 'Camilla Arfwedson to room two please.' James snaps me out of my daydream by speaking. 'Camilla that's us,'
I hoped up in the bed thing and rolled my t-shirt whilst James held my jacket. The person doing the ultrasound out some gel on my stomach I flinched which made James laugh. Suddenly our little squirt appeared on the screen. Suddenly two heart beats where heard in the room. James and my eyes briefly met. 'I would like to say that you are having twins.' 'Camilla you okay?' 'Yeah, there tears of happiness.' I say whilst wiping my eyes. 'Do u want to know the genders?' I met eyes with James again and just gave them a simple nod. 'Okay, I would like to say that u have one boy and one girl.' I was now full on crying tears if happiness. 'You okay Camilla?' I simply just nodded. 'You are done now.' I grab a paper towel and wipe my stomach whilst rolling my top back down. James then pipes up after being quiet the entire time. 'Can I ask how come u didn't notice it was twins at the 12 week scan?' 'It was probably due to the position they where lying in.' I got off the bed thing. 'Thank you.' I said whilst opening the door. 'See you 4 months.'

When we got back to the studios after grabbing some lunch out. Everyone was asking us what gender the baby was. By this point James had disappeared into the background. I was too scared to say myself and wanted his support, so I decided to drag him from the background of people.
'We are having...'

Thx to QueenConnieB for helping with parts of this.
My longest yet 😘
All corrections welcome.
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