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I had been on the proper set for a while now. We had just been running the scene with only me as I was new, so I had managed to avoid James so far. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my set hoodie. I excuse myself then check my phone. I debate on weather to answer it, suddenly Paul comes up behind me. I jump as I didn't expect him to speak to me, 'are you going to answer that'. I quickly shove my phone in my pocket so that he didn't see who was calling me.

Lunch came round pretty quickly and to my luck I hadn't had to much intimacy with James. I decided to Sit with Chizzy, Petra and Niamh Walsh. Trying to avoid James at all costs.

The end of the day soon comes. I then realise that I left my bus card at home and have no cash. I then have to go to last resort and call my husband.

Great I'm stuck at work. James has extra scenes.

Thx QueenConnieB for the title

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