Chapter Four

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 If you hate drake you're going to really hate him in this chapter }:D muahahaha....kay.



"What did you need to ask?” I questioned. As soon as Olivia and Lilith left.

“at the ball, as you know, there will be dancing.”

Ugh, I groaned internally. Dancing was something that I was horrible at, even though I’d taken lessons as a child.

“I’d like you to save a dance for me.” He said.

“My heart fluttered a bit, though my expression dropped. “I can’t dance.”

“You’ll be fine. You’d better go though, Olivia and Lilith are waiting.” He said, nodding towards Olivia’s car. I gave him a small wave before walking off.

“Please don’t stay in there forever,” Olivia whined from the other side of the changing stall.

I had finally found the perfect dress, after trying on so many. This one was a deep purple color, and it made me look elegant and sexy at the same time. It clung to every curve, Just till it reached my knees, where it flowed out as a mermaid style dress.

“Victoria.” She whined once more, knocking on the door.

I decided to not torture her anymore and walked out nervously.

“Aww it’s beautiful!” She squealed. “Zane is going to love it.”

My eyes flashed to Lilith expectantly, desperate to hear what she thought. She rolled her eyes and looked away, crossing her arms.  

I gave Olivia a confused look and she just shrugged, “Well I think you should get it.”

And so I did, and we left the stoyre with three dresses and one unhappy Lilith. Once we arrived at the academy, Lilith bolted off without saying anything more to us.

“What’s her problem?” I asked as we made our way back to our dorm.

“I probably shouldn’t be telling you this but…Lilith is jealous of you.”

“Me? How?” I asked as we rounded a corner.

“Well,” Olivia hesitated to answer. “She likes Zane, a lot. He’s never wanted a relationship with anyone…well, until you came around, that is.”

“Oh,” I sighed. “It’s probably because he wants to drink my blood or something.” Before Olivia could answer, Zane appeared next to me.

“Olivia, may I please have a word with Victoria?” He asked politely. Olivia nodded and went into our room which was only a few steps away.

“This is the second time you’ve wanted to talk to me in private today, is something up?” I asked. He gave me a heart melting smile.

“I actually just want to spend some time with you.” He wanted to spend time with me? Cute!

“Oh, alright.” I said smoothly, hiding my excitement. He gestured for me to follow, and I did, wondering where he was going to take me.

“Just a little further.” He said. We’d went outside, and he’s taken me on a pathway that we’d been on for about two minutes. Zane suddenly stopped walking and I almost crashed into his back. “We’ve arrived.”

I peered around him to get a better look as to where we were. The place was beautiful; flowers covered the ground in a stylish manor. It almost looked like a private garden. A tree stood out from the rest, it was next to a pond and it created a decent patch of shade. It was one of those trees that was perfect for sitting under.

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