Chapter Two

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By the end of the day I was exhausted, my classes were much more difficult, compared to my old school's.

I walked back into my dorm to find Olivia laying on her bed.

"How was your first day?" She asked without opening her eyes.

I walked over and sat down on my bed, tucking my legs beneath me, "It was fine, a bit tiresome though."

She snorted and opened one eye to look at me,"As to be expected from a... from the new girl."

What was she going to say there? It seemed as though everyone was keeping a secret from me.

"Anyways," she said, standing up. "Zane is hosting some sort of ball on Friday, you should go."

"A ball?" I asked, "I don't know... I mean, would he be mad if I just showed up?"

"Of course not! You'll be with me."

I nodded, "Sounds like fun, then."

She made her way towards the door. "I'm going to feed-- eat. I'm going to eat, I'll be back in a bit."

"Oh, alright. See you."

After about five minutes of sitting there I was utterly bored. I quickly decided that I would go explore the campus. Before leaving I ran a quick brush through my hair so I wouldn't look like a slob, and went out the door.

"Victoria, there you are." I looked to my left to see my father approaching me. "I need to inform you of something."

"Alright, what is it?"

He smiled, "Starting today you'll be receiving personal training from a student in hand-to-hand combat."

I blinked at him, "When on earth would I ever need to use that?"

"... Just in case anything were to happen to you. But you have to go now, you'll be training in a small building just off campus."

I thought for a moment, "Is it that dark coloured one that we passed while coming here?"


I shrugged, "Yeah, I know where that is. When will I be training?"

"Now. You must hurry, Drake is waiting for you."

I hurried back into my room and changed into black short-shorts and a crimson red tank-top, also putting on my sneakers.

It was warm enough out that I could still wear things like this outside.

Once I arrived at the dark building, I creeked the door open, "Hello?" I stepped inside and searched for a light switch. I thought my dad said that the Drake guy was already here.

Suddenly I was pushed down, before I could blink my arms were pinned down on either side of me, my opponent straddling me on the ground.

"Number one rule," he growled. "Never leave yourself open to an attack."

I could barely see his face in the dark, but what I did see was completely gorgeous. He looked somewhat like a punk, with about four earrings total. His hair was a dark brown and it fell into his eyes as he looked down at me.

"Rule number two. Don't eye rape your attacker." He narrowed his eyes at me before standing up. I scrambled to my feet and stood about a good foot shorten than him.

"I.. I'm V-"

"Yes I know who you are. You're the headmaster's daughter, after all." He flicked on the lights and eyed me up and down, his eyes stopping on my tank-top.

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