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Door #4 : The Cop

Door #5 : Jen

Door #6 : Leia 

Door #7 : Julie .... . . 

He looked at door #7 and saw the killer grind up Julie. Her brains fell out into little bits of pieces and her eyes and tongue and nose and lips and mouth. All of a sudden, the grinding machine stopped. The killer froze and Julie got out of the grinder. She turned around and looked at Troye. Her head was split in half, it was like she had no head, all of a sudden, she ran towards him ! He screamed and ran down the hallway to the light. He ended up at the Festival, and looked up. All of his friend's dead bodies were piled up on each other. Malia , Chance, his mom , Officer Jones , Jackson , Steven , Lily , Cam , Brooke, and along with Shelley (Malia's mom) . 

He screamed and turned around. Julie was standing behind him.


 She had a picture of Shelley in the hospital. Troye took the pictures and looked at them and saw it was Shelley, except this was after she had a baby. Troye looked up at Julie.

"I-Is that Malia in Shelley's arms? " , Troye asked. He couldn't tell if Julie said yes or no or nodded or shaked her head, well, because she didn't have one. He dropped the photo and fell to his knees. He started crying. He felt like he was slowly turning into dust.

"NO ! " , he screamed. He smashed his hands on the ground. "NO ! NO ! NO ! " , he screamed. He felt like he was going insane, I mean wouldn't you after going through these traumatizing things? He came back to his senses and woke up on the ground. Mariana picked him up, "Are you okay honey?" , she asked him. He just sat on the ground, "Would you?". 


Brooke kept an eye out for Cam for a couple of hours, once she thought that she was a little more stable, she left to her room, locked the door and sunk down against it and started crying. The sight of her sister completely losing it just tore her apart. She missed her sister and her parents. They were orphans now. All alone, nowhere to go and no one to help them. That's when Brooke felt as if she hit rock bottom. Everything that she's ever loved was gone or patronized in any way. She asked yourself "why is he doing this?" she got louder. "WHY IS HE DOING THIS?!" then again, "WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?" She started throwing things in her room. Totally losing it, unable to control herself. Cam was disturbed by the sudden commotion and knocked on her door "Brooke?" She questioned. "Are you okay?" She said worried. "NO CAM! I'M NOT OKAY! NOTHING IS OKAY HERE." she went into her shower. She filled the tub all the way to the top and begun undressing herself aggressively. Brooke was silent for a couple of moments. Cam was worried. "Brooke?" Little did she know, Brooke was underneath the water trying to drown herself. Brooke laid underneath there silently, not wanting to live anymore. She just wanted it to be over. Getting back up because of a lack of oxygen, breathing heavy breaths, frustrated, she got a safe that she had in her bedroom, she emptied its contents, got back into the tub and put the safe on top of her chest. Weighing her down. By now, cam was calling 911 so they could get the door open.

minutes later

The police arrive. Cam was now sobbing, the police asked what was wrong and she replied "I think my sister is trying to kill her self!" The police rushed upstairs to Brooks bathroom and broke the door down. They lifted her out of the bathtub and begin to perform CPR on her, she was unresponsive but then returned to consciousness, they called an ambulance just to make sure everything was okay. But Cam was officially traumatized.

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