Part 2

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A few days passed and Aleks was back to normal. He was right; the sadness must only last a little while. As he was only in town for a little while, they were all spending more time with Kevin and Eddie watched very carefully the interactions between the other two. The more he watched the more certain he felt that Aleks’ feelings were reciprocated.

However, Eddie happened to be the only person who noticed, and Kevin and Aleks remained painfully oblivious. It was all Eddie could do to stop himself from shouting at them to “just kiss already!” It frustrated Eddie to no end, but he knew it wasn’t his place to reveal someone else’s feelings. Besides, maybe he was reading too much into it. He knew he’d have to talk to Kevin alone before doing anything. So that’s what he did.

“Hey, Kevin, can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Kevin asked.

“In here.” Eddie gestured to the kitchen while Aleks was left in the living room setting up the movie they were going to watch.

Kevin was confused. What was it Eddie wanted to talk about that had to be kept secret from Aleks? “What’s going on, Eddie?”

Eddie took a breath. He realised he hadn’t really thought much about what to say. “I’ve… I’ve been watching the interactions you have with Aleks and I’m just wondering… If there’s a secret underlying thingy you’re not telling us?”

Kevin was silent, staring at Eddie. ‘Maybe,’ Kevin thought to himself, ‘I haven’t been as subtle as I thought.’ Hang on – if Eddie had noticed, what about Aleks? Suddenly looking worried, he spoke quietly and without thinking.  “You won’t tell Aleks will you?”  As soon as the words left his lips, he realised he’d just admitted his feelings. 

Eddie grinned and tried to keep his squeal at a low volume. “So you do like him?!”

Kevin gave a small smile and was about to reply when Aleks’ voice sounded from the living room.

“Movie’s ready!”

Eddie gave Kevin a cheeky grin and they walked out into the room. Aleks was sitting in the middle of the sofa. Eddie sat to the left and Kevin to the right. The movie started playing.

“Oh, hang on,” Eddie said, and stood up.

“Ugh,” Aleks groaned. “Don’t think I’m pausing it for you.”

“I don’t expect you to,” Eddie laughed. “I’m just turning off the lights.”

“Why?” Aleks and Kevin asked at the same time in similar suspicious tones.

Eddie kept his grin to himself and replied, “Because then it’s more like a real movie don’t you think?”

Aleks opened his mouth to argue but Kevin interrupted him. “Shh, it’s starting.”

Aleks obediently closed his mouth and turned to face the TV. Eddie grinned again, this time not bothering to hide it. He sat down again on the couch. They watched the movie like any friends would, laughing, joking, and occasionally commenting on something stupid or silly one of the characters did.

At one point, Eddie stood up to go to the bathroom. He told Aleks not to bother pausing the movie as he’d seen this one before. Which is precisely why he was leaving; the particular scene was one of two of the characters admitting their true feelings for each other. So, Eddie slipped out of the room and, instead of going to the bathroom like he said, he hid around the corner to eavesdrop. He knew it was wrong to listen in but he knew he had to. Besides, it was likely nothing would happen.

As it was, nothing did happen, and Aleks and Kevin shuffled uncomfortably when the two characters on screen started making out.  Eddie stifled a giggle when he saw them glance at each other and then look away again, blushing.

‘I can’t believe this,’ Kevin thought to himself. ‘I’m so close to Aleks, alone and in the dark, and I can’t even lean over and kiss him.’ Kevin sighed to himself and glanced at Aleks again.

Aleks was staring determinedly at the screen. The thoughts he was having were very similar to Kevin’s, but of course neither of them knew it. Aleks ventured a glance at Kevin. This happened to be the precise moment Kevin looked at Aleks, and when their eyes met they immediately blushed furiously and looked away again. They heard a noise that sounded vaguely like stifled giggling but it was so quiet they figured they had imagined it.

A few minutes later, the scene ended and Eddie returned.  “Did I miss anything?” He asked, knowing full well that he’d seen everything he needed to.

“Alexis and Chris made out,” Aleks replied absentmindedly, caught up in the movie.

“Aw I missed that part? Damn, that’s my favourite. Did the kissy-kissy make you think of anyone in particular?” Eddie asked, stifling yet another giggle.

Kevin looked at Aleks sharply; Did Aleks have a crush on someone? Kevin felt his heart sink slightly, but he tried to push those feelings away in order to be happy his friend had found someone.

“Yeah, it did,” Aleks replied absentmindedly, and then, realising what Eddie was trying to do, glared at him. “Shut up.”

Eddie laughed and Aleks joined in, though his laugh sounded rather forced. Kevin didn’t say anything, just looked at the TV intently, his jaw set in place.

“Are you okay, Kevin?” Aleks asked, concerned.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Kevin said, forcing a smile.

“If you’re sure.”

They returned to the movie in silence.

The credits began to roll and Eddie stood up. He flicked the lights back on and sat down again, facing Aleks and Kevin.

“Soo,” he began. “What did you guys think?”

“It was a great movie. I can see why you like it so much,” Kevin said, smiling a little.

“Oh yeah?” Eddie asked, a sly grin appearing on his face. “What was your favourite part? You too, Aleks.”

“The scene you missed,” Aleks said, giving a mock-suggestive wink to Kevin. Unbeknownst to Aleks, when the Russian turned away, Kevin blushed. Eddie noticed and grinned.

“The scene I missed… Oh, is that the part where Alexis and Chris…?”


Eddie snickered. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen this movie. Would you two mind possibly reenacting that scene for me?” He asked in an overly exaggerated joking tone.

Aleks and Kevin both looked away from Eddie and seemed very flustered, looking everywhere but at each other. It was all Eddie could do to keep from laughing.

“Well?” Eddie prompted.

“Why not?” Aleks said, a sudden newfound confidence springing up in him.


this isn't a weird place to end the part what are you talking about 

(but for real though if i went to the end of the night in which they watch the movie it would have been 3 times the length of the previous part so like) 

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