The Doctor's Coming For Christmas

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  • مهداة إلى The Doctor and Thomas. Merry Christmas!

"Mum, I know Santa isn't really real, I'm waiting for The Doctor." Thomas explained.

His mum sighed, "Thomas, The Doctor isn't real. Santa will be coming down the chimney tonight."

"No! Mummy, he is real! The Doctor saves the whole of the universe from destruction... you can't not realize that!" Thomas argued.

"No more watching Doctor Who for a month, Thomas. That show shouldn't get to your head like that." His mum worried.

"No, mum. I hate you!" Thomas cried.

His mum shed a tear and walked away and Thomas ran away up the stairs. He grabbed his sonic he had gotten for his birthday three months ago.  Thomas clicked the button 10 times and it made a funny beeping noise, this was Thomas'es nightly routine. He stared at the blue light that blinked at the end of his sonic. "I wish the Doctor would come and take me to another place." , Thomas wished as a shooting star ran across the sky. He noticed it didn't look like a shooting star, but it couldn't be anything else, could it? Thomas sighed and let go of the sonic screwdriver to see what his parents were up to.

Thomas tip-toed to the middle of the stair case and listened to his parents' conversation:

"Thomas is too obsessed with Doctor Who." His mum told his daddy.

"Carol, He needs something to replace the fact that he's adopted. Besides, he's too young to know better." Thomas'es daddy chimed in.

His mom replied, "No, but he doesn't know the difference between reality and TV. The other day he pointed out a man and yelled ,'look out, there's a Sontaran!' I don't even know what a Sontaran is!"

"Don't get mad at him for what he loves." His dad finished.

Thomas already knew he was adopted and that his parents hated him watching Doctor Who. They had tried so hard to get him to stop him thinking of it, but he never would, and he never will. He was a smart kid. Thomas slowly and slyly opened the front door next to the stairs. He was going outside to dig up his secret packet of Doctor Who items and pretend to be the Doctor so his parents would agree with him that The Doctor is real. Thomas wasn't thinking to good in the cold weather, so he didn't remember he was only five years old at the moment... Thomas heard a noise land in the backyard.

"Doctor?" The little boy mumbled.

Thomas ran through the front gate to the backyard and saw a police box. It was obviously the tenth doctor's least to Thomas. A good looking man with extraordinary hair and a long jacket.

"Is this Barc-"The Doctor asked suddenly getting interrupted by Thomas'es happiness.

"Doctor! I told them you were real! My parents think you are nothing, but when I saw you do so many things... I knew you were real!" Thomas exclaimed.

The Doctor squinted, "And... who are you?"

Thomas smiled, "I'm Thomas, and you're the Doctor."

"Yes, I'm well aware of who I am... ya, sometimes I forget, but right now: Why are you here?"The Doctor asked.

"I-I...I live here... And you live in the, the TARDIS! You'r the lost child of Gallifrey! You are FANTASTIC!" Thomas boomed.

"Don't mock my last regeneration! Seriously, that scarf is making me mad." The Doctor ordered.

It was true...Thomas was wearing the fourth Doctor's scarf from the bag he just tore open. He didn't care, The Doctor was standing right there before him. Thomas ran into the TARDIS and the Doctor yelled, " That might not be such a good idea."

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