You Are A Survivor : Dwight (FT. Daryl) *PT 1*

Start from the beginning

(Y/N)'s (Y/E/C) eyes opened as she glanced up to Dwight. His eyes were watching  her intensely as he spoke. She wondered if he was going to say anything about the sight before him.

"Get movin, we got a lot of work to do." He turned around as Daryl pulled her in closer to him, just enough so he could whisper into her ear.

"I don't like the way he looks at you, its as though your something to eat..." Daryl pressed his lips at the back of her neck.

(Y/N) decided to speak up as to why Dwight was acting this way. She knew it was because of her disappearance.   So she nervously turned to him and explained the situation while looking into his blue eyes.

He wasn't happy what he heard." You were with him?" That prick!?" His voice spat in her ears as he stood up angrily, slipping his vest on. "Knew there was something off about you and him!"

"Please he was a part of my past here. " She stood up, with only her red bra as coverage. Daryl looks at her for a moment before walking out without saying a word. She thought that he understood, but she guessed wrong.


Dwight was watching (Y/N) intensely as she was shooting walkers down around the sanctuary. He knew she still had it in her but why she was with this wanna be, he didn't know.

Daryl was keeping (Y/N) close to him, even though he was still traumatised about the truth. He kept one of his arm wrapped around her shoulder  as they killed walkers with their guns.  He didn't want Dwight to get a hold of her again .

(Y/N) was working, and felt insecure, well aware that he was watching her. When her  eyes looked at Dwight, he kept staring at her, enjoying the deathly silence between them.

Dwight had to break the conversation. He sensed that Daryl knew what happened between the two of them so he decided to clear his throat. " (Y/N) come over here! I have to talk to you!"

She turned around with Daryl's protective grip around her. Dwight smirked at how protective her new man was so he further explained himself " Only Angel please."

"You don't think I know what your doin?" Daryl spat only pulling her in closer. "You aint gonna have her."

"I have no intention to hurt her just let her go so we can talk. She can have her weapons or whatever makes her feel safe." He smirks to himself . He knew that it wasn't gonna help her but whatever made Daryl let her talk to him.

Daryl grumbled as he walked her over to the fence as Dwight approached it. He growled under his breath, knowing it would be hard to get her back. (Y/N) was at the entrance of the fence when Daryl passed her a knife, warning her to take care of herself out there since she  was being passed to Dwight.

The scared mans fingers reached for the gate to slide it open. Once it was open enough, he took (Y/N) by the hand then pulled her close to his body. Her hands were stuck on his shoulders as he gave a small smirk. He knew it was accidental, but he liked it.

"Come on lets move it." Dwight tried to say harshly but he was enjoying the flirting with her. He wanted to prove to her that he was the only man she needed. He placed his grip on her shoulder tightly as he lead her to his tent at the camp.

(Y/N) would have squirmed in his grasp if it was anyone else . But since she was with a former flame, she knew he wouldn't hurt her.  He smiled at her with a slow grin and she avoided his glance completely. He knew it was going to be harder after all.

"Look at me girl.." He spat as soon as he a good distance from Daryl. (Y/N) frowned and didn't say anything   as he then had to push her against the fence. It caused Daryl to be aware of what was happening but instead he kept quiet.

He wanted to kill Dwight even more now.

(Y/N) had her eyes focused on him now. Looking at his features. Besides the scars on his face, he was practically the same man. Even though, he was a killer in her eyes now.  She still found herself drawn to him even after all of this time. He placed a smirk on his face as a finger followed her cheekbone.

"Still pretty as the day I first laid eyes on you (Y/N)" His voice was soft. He then pushed her against the fence, remembering the things she loved about their relationship.

"Don't touch me!" She hissed.

"Finally talking? Good thought you became a mute around me." Dwight chuckles as he pulled her away from the fence. He liked this game of play torture. Even she seemed to love it in a strange way.

He dragged her to the tent then zipped it up so no one could see them talk.  He leant over to kiss (Y/N) but she placed her fingers on his lips.

"We cant."

"Why because of your new guy?"


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