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Hey everyone Mary here, and I have an important a/n....

So recently I've been upset easily, and every time I get upset I think stuff like 'this world would be better without me' and that's not good... Recently my parents have been hiding the knives since my sisters have been having similar thoughts. So instead I bite my wrists... Before you say "your just saying that to get attention" here's proof

 Before you say "your just saying that to get attention" here's proof

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so yeah.... The only thing keeping me from biting too hard is the undertale fan base... And you guys..... Thank you so much.... If you could give me at least a little moral support your doing a lot... But for now I'll keep forcing a smile for my friends...

bye.... 💔

A Month to Live- Vylad X Reader fanfic (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now