All In A Day's Work (Mahiru and Kuro)

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Hello everyone! So who's ready for the very first Servamp one-shot. Yeah! I am so excited.

Honestly, I never intended to watch this anime. I saw the trailer and I was like, "Oh another vampire anime." I'm really not interested in vampires. And then a funny Servamp moments video on YouTube showed up because of autoplay. A lot of Kuro moments since it was the first episode. When I saw the poster for the show, I saw Kuro and I was like, "He's going to be my favorite character." Yes, he turned out to be one of my favorites. So, I'm going to star Kuro in this very first one-shot! And for a bonus, you have Mahiru in this one-shot as well! Mahiru is just amazing. Him and his simpleness.

Anyways, too much fangirling over this lazy cat and simple boy. Hope you guys enjoy!


Please enjoy the screenshot of Mahiru and Kuro from Servamp chapter 10. I kind of based this one-shot from this panel.


"Mahiru, that bastard. Ruining my sleep schedule. I was right in the middle of my great adventure to get the ultimate blanket."

"You always sleep all day long. One day without that won't kill you. Wait. What kind of dreams have you been having for the past few days?"

Kuro yawned loudly. Then, sighed and started spamming the buttons on his portable device. Playing video games could never replace a good nap, but it was the only thing he could do at the moment. 6:00 is way too early for anything to happen. But that didn't stop Mahiru. He just had to practice with his lead early in the morning. Not night. Not afternoon. Early morning.

"Why do we have to practice so early in the morning?"

"Because I wanted to train with my lead some more before I meet up with Mikuni-san and the others. Besides, it's safer to train early in the morning when there are no people around," Mahiru said as he swung his weapon around. "So stop complaining already. You're not even doing anything."

"Better than what you're doing. You know, dancing doesn't help with training your lead," Kuro lazily told his eve.

"I'm not dancing!"

Kuro heavily sighed once again and slumped on his "seat." However, he slumped too much to the point that he unintentionally went down on the slide. His eyes widened due to the sudden change. He tried to prevent sliding down, but it was too late. Pain as he crashed on to the cold artificial ground.

The loud thump caused Mahiru to stop his training and direct his attention to the servamp grunting in pain. He called back his weapon back into the seal and started walking up to his partner. A sigh escapes the boy's lips as he sighed. "What are you doing?"

"So cruel. I just fell and you don't even ask if I'm okay." Kuro  rubbed the sore parts of his body.

"Serves you right for not doing any work." Mahiru summoned his weapon again and continued his training.

"This is too troublesome."


Since the sun was starting to make its way into the sky, Mahiru decided to continue his training at night when he meets up with everyone else.

"Kuro! Let's go home now!" Mahiru told his partner as he covered up his seal with the black and white sweatband Sakuya gave him.

Kuro glided down the slide smoothly this time and walked behind Mahiru. The portable game console was still in his hands as he was walking.

"By the way, what do you want to eat for breakfast?" asked Mahiru.

"Ramen," Kuro's voice slightly dragged on when he said that.

"Why do you sound so tired? All you've done so far is play video games."

"Video games are more tiring than you think. You have to keep on pressing all of the buttons. And you have to memorize what each of those buttons do."

"Yeah right," Mahiru said with much disbelief.

"But look at my poor thumbs." Kuro held up both of his thumbs, which were slightly red and maybe numb from the look of it.

"You won't die from that. You're immortal, remember?"

"Humans sure are cruel to their cute pets. No, it's just Mahiru."


After they arrived at the apartment, the boy and vampire ate breakfast. Kuro got his ramen fresh out of the microwave while Mahiru had some toast with a side of orange juice.

As soon as they were done eating, Kuro headed straight to their room to take his daily nap before Mahiru could scold him for not doing his chores.

"That lazy cat. Doesn't even bother to clean up after himself," Mahiru mumbled to himself as he collected the dishes from the table and gently placed them in the sink. He would wake up Kuro and force him to do his chores, but once he fell asleep, there's no way to wake him up. He was probably the heaviest sleeper you could find.

Mahiru grabbed the sponge and scrubbed down the dishes until it's nice and clean. Right after he put everything in the dishwasher, it was time to sweep the floor. Grabbing the nearest broom, Mahiru walked into the living room to start sweeping. Before he could even begin, his body suddenly fell back. He couldn't even register these sudden movements in his head. A loud thud sounded with the wooden floors of his apartment.

Mahiru hissed in pain. On the bright side, none of his neighbors were around since they all have work, but that rough landing really hurts. Mahiru lifted his hand up to rub his head. Instead of feeling his short brown hair, he felt something wet. The thing was also round and hard, almost like plastic. He lifted that up and tried to see what it was. Mahiru crushed the round plastic thing in his hand.



Later that night, Mahiru was training with his lead while Mikuni, Jeje, and Lily observed the boy. Kuro watched his eve from time to time, but his focus was mainly on his video game.

"Looks like he's improved quite a bit since he last time," Lily commented on the boy's movements.

Mikuni had his arms crossed as he closely observed his "student." Jeje stood right in between Mikuni and Lily, trying to observe the boy as well, but only for the purpose of drinking some of his eve's blood.

"Okay, that's enough for today," Mikuni announced with a round of applause.

Mahiru stopped after that and placed both of his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"You're starting to improve Mahiru-kun. With just a little more practice, you'll eventually get the hang of it," Lily complemented the boy.

"Just keep up the the good work Shirota Mahiru-kun," Mikuni told Mahiru as he patted him on the back.

"All in a day's work," Kuro said with his laudable voice.

"You haven't even done anything all day long!" Mahiru angrily said to Kuro.

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