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Felix dragged Jack down the large platform of the mall. His hand digging into Jack's arm as they sprinted into the mall. It wasn't all deserted, there were very few people there. Some worked for the stores inside and some were there for a breakfast break. Otherwise Felix and Jack were the only ones in the store. Their was a familiar sign in the front of the mall. It was a dark purple and black outsides. Felix began to drag Jack into the Spencer's store. Spencer's was a place that all the kinky kids went. It was a dark room that held shelves of fake piercings, real piercings, dirty mugs with dirty sayings and band clothes everywhere. The most popular place was in the back where they sold sex toys and very naughty looking items. Felix ran in with a large smile on his face while Jack followed more slowly, this is the top store . Flailing happily a little inside Jack shyly walked behind Felix and followed him to the clothes section. There were clothes that had skulls of them, Harley Quinn and Joker, there was even some Five Night At Freddy's merchandise that was cheaply priced. Felix shuffled through some of the T-shirts and picked out a skull shirt with snakes crawling up the sides and out of its eyes.

"Oh no, not for the party," Jack shook his head no and Felix frowned. He put it back and shuffled through again before picking out a grey long-sleeved shirt. Black writing was written on it that said "I'm with stupid," with an arrow pointing down. Jack nodded his head and Felix smiled. He took the shirt and lead Jack to the beanies and shoes. They found a matching grey beanie to go with the shirt and some grey and white converse. Jack smiled when we went to the front desk, there stood a girl with neon purple stripes in her coal black hair. She had a septum piercing with green eyes and bright smile.

"Hello," she sounded energetic as she asked for an email for coupons. They obliged then Jack noticed a clear bin. It had tiny packages that had circle indents in them. Jack had to take a double look at the packages before he realized what they were. The girl looked at Jack and noticed what he was looking at. She gave Jack a seductive smile leaning on her elbows with her head resting in her palms.

"You know, you should grab one for yourself. Just in case you want to sweep a girl off her feet." She looks at Jack with glossy eyes, like she was desperate or even hungry for the attention. Jack rubbed his neck nervously, almost ashamed to say out loud that he didn't like her like that. Luckily Felix stepped in front of Jack to block her from his view.

"For your information he's gay, and for the record, he would never go out with a slut like you." Jack's mouth went slack as Felix snatched up their bags and began to leave the store. Jack grinned at the girl before jogging to catch up to Felix before he left him behind.

"Thank you," Jack whispered. Felix gave him a look of empathy like he had experienced the pain before. They walked on as Felix gave Jack an intense stare.

"No problem, but let's not let that bug us. Let's have fun." Felix galloped to the next store called Claire's, Jack smirked. If no one knew this store, then you can tell by looking in the window that it was a jewelry place. Felix hopped in the store and began to search the store for something. Jack walked in slowly after him and he had stopped to admire the gauges.

"Jack, why not get some gauges huh," he wiggled his eyebrows and Jack shook my head no.

"Awe you're no fun," Felix smiled and grabbed some white black stripped fake gauges for himself. He quickly paid for them and they were out. They wondered the mall, Felix mostly looked at Victoria's Secret place but he got warned at least twice to stay out. Jack giggled as Felix would stick out his lips in a pout and walked away. 

They then ventured to the food court where Jack could smell the cooking going on in the kitchen. Felix and Jack approached the counter where a heavy man in his twenties looked over and smiled. He asked what they both wanted and they both stared at the menu. Felix got a subway sandwich with ham and cheese with mayo while Jack just ordered some mozzarella bits with a coke and a B.L.T. When they both received their food they sat down at a nearby table to eat. Jack complemented the food but Felix couldn't stand his sandwich so he gave it to Jack. He ate it gratefully before they began their journey back to the stores.  

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