Starco is great

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     I looked at my watch. Star had gotten it for my birthday. At every hour on the hour if played the song "Space Unicorn". It was annoying but it was from Star so it meant a lot to me.

     "Star! We're going to be late!" I called, adjusting my bow tie and brushing down my suit for like the 50th time. But I stopped myself and looked down at myself in surprise. No wonder Star called me the Safety Kid.

     "Ahem." called a voice from the living room stairs. I looked over and saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She had long blond hair up in a tight ponytail with sparkles weaving through the hairs.

     She wore a floor length midnight blue dress covered in sparkles that shined under the living room lights. She had a pearl necklace and elbow length gloves. She smiled and stuck out her tongue and I realized who it was.

     "S-Star?" I asked, spellbound by her. She was radiating beauty and grace. She took my breath away, b-but as a friend of course. "You- you look amazing."

     "Thanks." She said blushing. She smoothed her gown down and noticed me staring. "You're staring. I-is there something on my dress?" She said, searching for a nonexistent stain.

     "No. There's nothing there. It's just that dress, where'd you get it?"

     "I zapped it up. You should see the other drafts." She laughed. I chuckled and reached for her hand. She grabbed it and I led her down the stairs.

     "Let's get going before they-" I was cut off by my Mom and Dad jumping out in front of us with cameras like a paparazzi staking out a celebrity.

     "Mom! Dad!" I groaned, putting my head in my hands. They teared up and walked over snapping pictures. "Why are you taking so many pictures?" I asked, covering my eyes from the flash.

     "We have to." My Dad explained, pausing to talk to me. "It's your first prom."

     "Junior prom."
     "Yes, but still-" he said, tearing up. "I can't believe it's really happening. My mom said, putting her arm around my Dad. "Your first prom. And with your girlfriend Star nonetheless."

     Me and Star blushed and said in unison. "We're not dating."

     "Then how come you're holding hands?" Me and Star looked down at our fingers intertwined and we both quickly let go, even though I wished we could have held hands a little longer. Her hands were warm and soft. "And how come you guys are talking in unison?"

     "That is completely unrelated." We need to get going if we are both going to meet up with our other dates." I said. We started out the door, but my father grabbed me by my arm and looked at me with a serious sprinkle in his eyes.

     "She's a good one Marco. Never let her go." I nodded and stepped out the door, closing it behind me. We walked in silence and I tried to come up with something to say.

     "You look nice." I said awkwardly.
     "You've said that already. Three times, and counting."
     "Sorry. Just trying to make conversation."
     "It's okay, a girl likes to get a compliment." She smiled at me and I blushed. I'm glad it was dark outside so she couldn't see my face turn a deep hue of red. "Why don't we speed up this slow awkward process and use a little bit of magic help." She jumped up in the air and blasted the ground. "GIANT FLYING LAZER PUPPY!"

     She landed on top of a winged lazer puppy. Elegant, but still Star like.

     "Come on." She said, extending her hand so I could take it. I planted my foot on the fuzzy creature and almost fell off, shocked by the creatures side moving up and down with every breath.

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