"Good bye"

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                    Norma's POV
More bruises appeared on my face and more scars on my heart to heel
I had cried so many tears that I didn't really have any more to cry so I kept quite I kept my head down and I focused on being the mum I needed to be for my kids , of course Dylan never spoke to me
he came back when he was low on cash or needed something to eat but he was never their to hug me or to tell me that he loved me , I missed the old days where he would look up too me with his big blue eyes and tell me that he loved me I missed him hugging me tight and telling me everything was gunna be alright , I just missed  my little boy , deep down inside I knew he was never coming back he was always at his friends house and he always threw abuse at me about being a crap mother
But I never had guidance I never knew how to be a mother until Norman came along it was like god gave me a second chance I knew from the day he was born I needed to be someone better for his sake.
But after giving birth to Norman my connection with people on the outside and with my my son they all disappeared I felt like everyone was out their to get me so I shut my self out I never wanted friends because I would always get hurt
I never got close to Dylan even when he was little I distanced my self from him because when I looked into his eyes I saw Caleb I saw my past life with my mom and dad  I just. Couldn't love him the way I loved Norman and I tired I really really tried but I couldn't and it broke my heart every single time.
I remember taking a trip to the supermarket I had bruises all over my face and wounds on my hands I looked terrible but I covered them up as much as I could and went anyways
When I got their I felt like everyone was staring at me but I kept walking and walking down the aisle and my  little boy holding my hand yes he was no little kid anymore he was 9 and he made me so proud
I was blocking out all the bad in my mind I needed to do this for me ,
The first day I met Alex Romero was the day he changed me for the best he made me a better person and helped me believe that their is good in this world even if the bad over takes the good
Alex: hey sorry are u Norma bates
Norma : yes I am can I help you
Alex: I'm Alex Romero I live next door
Norma: oh hai yes of course! How's your wife Sam told me about her , she's not doing to good
Alex: well she's staying strong she's On chemo and it's not good
But she's a fighter
Norma: oh I'm sorry to hear that send my love to her will you
Alex: of course , who's this handsome little man
Norman: hai my name is Norman
Alex: wow you have a grate name
Norman: thank you sir
Norma: hey Norman here is $5 go and buy as much Candy as you want okay
Norman: coool!!!!
Norma: come straight back
Norman: thanks mom
Alex: Norma I can't help but notice this , what happened
*He moved back a pice of hair from my face and saw this bruise*
Norma: oh this I just fell while cleaning up Norman's mess you know what kids are like always leaving their stuff around
Alex: of course but Norma
Norma: what
Alex: I've been around enough abuse to know that isn't just from cleaning up your son's mess
Norma: what
Norman: mom look !!
Norma: woooww
Alex: I'll see you around Norma , see ya Norman
Norman: byeee!
I remember walking out of supermarket happy I was just so happy over the fact someone noticed that I was in pain I felt heard.
When I got home the happiness melted away a cold feeling took over my body.
Norma: Norman go to your bedroom okay
Sam: where have you been
Norma: the supermarket
Sam: you took a long time
Norma: sorry I just wanted some fresh air away from the house
Sam: what's wrong with the house
Norma: nothing
* I began to keep the shopping*
Sam: Dylan came here earlier
Norma: he did !
Sam: don't get too exited he only came back to change his shirt
Norma: oh okay
Sam: he did leave you this
Norma: what is it
Sam: a letter , you want me to read it too you
Norma: no I'll read it my self thank you
Sam: come on , we could laugh over it together
Norma: he's my son I don't wanna laugh at him
Sam: dear mom
Norma: stop it sam
Sam: I miss you I know your still wrapped up in sam's games and your afraid of him I know that but please for Normans sake get of their do it for him ,
Norma: STOP IT SAM!!
Sam: give him a better life don't let him see what I saw I love u okay Dylan
Norma: give me that
Sam: your afraid of me
Norma: no of course not
Sam: well according to your son , you are
Norma: I'm not afraid of you Sam
Sam: really
Norma: yeah
Sam: then why do you flinch every time I come near you? Why do you cry your self to sleep every night?
Norma: I don't know what your talking about
Sam: hahahah okay well your sons a liar then just like you isn't he , I guess it runs in the family , Norman will be next
Norma: stop
Sam: what sorry i didn't hear u ?
Norma: STOP talking about my kids like that
Norman: mom why are you crying
Norma: go back to your room and put the tv on okay
Norman: but I don't want to
Sam: Listen to your mother Norman
Norma: baby look at me , go to your room please
Norman: okay mom
Norma: okay You know what , yes I'm afraid of you
Sam: why
Norma: why ? Are you Fucking stupid you broke me , you killed Are baby Sam , you gave me scars you took away my happiness
So I'm sorry for being afraid of you I really am !!
Sam: your such a liar
Norma: what
Sam: you want everyone to feel sorry for you
Norma: don't you dare twist it Sam
Sam: twist what , your a pathetic nobody, without me what are u ?
Norma: free
Sam: what
Norma: I'm fucking free
Sam: hahah oh my god you watch to many tv shows dear what did you get that from "friends"
Norma: stop it stop it
Sam: stop what
I remember running at him I wanted to kill him but it all went blank , i was
the one on the  floor once again crying over a man that didn't really love me
Dylan: Norma....Norma can u hear me
Norma: Dylan ...Dylan is that you
Dylan: yeah it's me
Norma: *crying for help* please I can't move
Dylan: I'm gunna take you to the hospital okay
Norma: no
Dylan: come on Norma
Norma: NOOO! For once in your life Dylan lisnte to me
Dylan: all I do is lisnte to you mom , I'm 15 years old yet I've seen more in my short 15 years then most do in a life time , I've felt real fear ,real pain , real neglect, if you leave him you will be free , we all will
Norma: you just expect me to get up and leave my life move away to a new country and start over? It's not that easy not when the person your running away from is the man you love , the man you married Norman's father
Dylan: you know what fuck you , I feel sorry for Norman he deserves better than you
Norma: fuck you Dylan
Dylan: I'm going , that's the last time I try and help you , your really on your own this time
And when you manage to get off the floor , you need to pick your son up from next doors
Norma: Dylan ....Dylan where are you going
Dylan: why do you care, you haven't seem to care the last couple of weeks
Norma: of course I care
Dylan: bye Norma* slams the door*
Norma: *whispers* I love you

This chapter made me cry ⚽️

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