"Time changes"

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Norma's POV
A couple of weeks passed and I started hanging out with Sam a lot more he was really good with Dylan and he made me really happy, things just escalated and well before we knew it we where in love.
I remember telling Jackson I was leaving him it broke his heart and it broke mine seeing him in so much distress but he kept making an effort to see Dylan and he was always their if I ever needed to talk.
I remember the day things changed Sam wasn't the sweet innocent man that he used to be something clicked i was afraid of him
One day Jackson came over to collect Dylan as it was his weekend
he stayed for a while and we talked we laughed its was all going grate until Sam came home, he stank of beer and over powering cent of women's Perfume.
He stared at me with his big brown eyes but they weren't comforting and happy too see me they where evil and angry
I told Jackson to leave I kissed Dylan goodbye and hugged Jackson
When I walked back into the back room he turned to me and said
Sam: what you doing talking to him
Norma: he's the father of my son I have no choice but to talk to him
Sam: ohhh I forgot your a whore that couldn't shut her legs
Norma: excuse me !
Sam: your a whore Norma always has been always will be ........just like your mother!
I just remember looking up at him with tears in my eyes how had I been so stupid in to pick a guy that was cold and vicious.
Norma: I'm not Listening to your bullshit!
Sam got up and walked right up to my face I had never been so afraid in my life
Sam: what did you say?
Norma: I'm not listening to your bullshit Sam
It happened so quick all I remember is his fist meeting my face I fell back of on to the floor and looked up to him
He seemed shocked himself he went and sat back in his chair
I just got up grabbed my car keys bag and coat ran to the car with blood pouring down my face
And drove I drove so far not knowing where to go or who to tell
I was alone i pulled over to a lay-by looked in the mirror and saw this big black eye I grabbed tissue from my bag and cleaned it up i Tried to conceal it as much as I could and before I knew it I just burst out into tears . I knew I had to go back their to him to the evil man I said I loved I had no choice.

At 6.30 PM I passed Jacksons house and knocked on the door
Jackson: hey Norma what are you doing here
Norma: I came to collect Dylan
Jackson: Norma Its only been a few hours I'm meant to spend all weekend with him
Norma: I'm not gunna argue with you Jackson pass my little boy here
I remember seeing Dylan behind Jackson he ran towards me
Dylan: moooooooooommmmmmyyyy
Norma l: hey baby I'm gunna take you home now okay
Dylan: why mommy I wanna. Stay with daddy
Norma: you can see daddy on Monday okay
I picked him up and put him in the car
Norma: Jackson you can have pick him up from school Monday and you can take him to school on Tuesday
Jackson: thanks Norma
He just looked into the car window

Jackson: I'll see u Monday little guy
Jackson put his hand up on the window Dylan copied him and put his hand on the window
I got in the car and drove off
Norma: mommy missed you
Dylan: I missed you too mommy
We drove for hours I didn't know where to go
Dylan: where are we going mommy
Norma: I'm not really sure baby
I parked the car and pulled Dylan out of the seat I sat him on my lap in the front seat
I hugged him tight and said
Norma: I love u so much Dylan I love you so so so much!
Dylan: mommy your hurt
Norma: yeah mommy and Sam got into a little fight
I started to cry Dylan grabbed my face and ran his finger over my bruise
Dylan: it's okay mommy don't cry it will be okay you will see
I couldn't help but smile
Norma: your right Dylan everything will be alright
Dylan kissed me on the forehead and hugged me tight.
I had no choice but to go back
So I put Dylan back in his chair and drove back to the house, when I got back it was dark Dylan was asleep I grabbed him in my arms and went indoors
I put him down in his cot He had a little dinosaur bedroom
I ran my fingers through his blonde Curley hair and kissed him good night
As I walked back through to the kitchen Sam was sat on the table he looked Up and ran towards Me I remember him hugging me so tight
He kept repeating
Sam: I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so so so sorry
I hugged him back. And said
Norma: it's okay I'm okay
I forgave him and took him back I fell in love with him all over again that was the man I fell in love with that was the man I wanted to be with for the rest of my life

The next morning stuff seemed to go back to Normal ,Sam brought me some breakfast in bed and he kissed me on the forehead
Sam: I took Dylan to school this morning
Norma: I could of done that
Sam: well I couldn't let you go out with that eye,they will start to ask questions plus you where sleeping so I thought u could have a lie in?
Norma: thanks
Sam: Norma
Norma: what
Sam: thank you for giving me another chance to prove to you I'm not that guy you saw yesterday
Norma: well everyone has their moments I guess
I was still afraid of him , i remembered what my dad did to my mom I couldn't end up like her I wanted to be the best possible mother I could be to Dylan

Weeks passed ,my face heeled we where happy again he was happy I was happy
Dylan had just turned 4 years old so we decided to take him out to the fun fair with Jackson and Sam
When we got back Dylan fell asleep in the car so Sam picked him up and placed him into his brand new bed
Sam had brought him for his birthday
He loved it
That night me and Sam where lying in bed and we where laughing and talking about the future
He turned to me and said
Sam: lets have a baby?
Norma: what?
Sam: lets have a baby?
Norma: are you serious?
Sam: yes let's have a baby!!!? Come on Norma wouldn't you love to have a little baby girl or little boy running around the house?
Norma: yes I would but baby's are expensive Sam
Sam: we will make it work! What do u say Norma?
Norma: only if your gunna clean the diapers
We both laughed and began to try for a baby

3 months later
Sam: what dose it say?
Norma: it says I'm ....PREGNANT!!!
Sam: really!!!! That's amazing!!!
He picked me up and kissed me
Sam: I'm gunna be a father We need to book a doctors appointment right away
Norma: sure lets do it
Sam: lets book it for this afternoon!
Norma: sure!!
This was the happiest I. Had ever seen Sam he was so determined to do right by this baby I was so happy it was with him
I went to the doctors and found out I was 2 months pregnant! I was so happy I was gunna be a mommy again
When we got back we decide to tell Dylan we sat him on the bed and said
Norma: so baby listen mommy and Sam has something to tell you
Dylan: is Sam going away?
I looked at Sam
Norma: no baby no of course not! What we wanted to tell you was I'm gunna have a baby!!
Sam: what do you think little guy?
Norma: Dylan arnt you happy., your gunna have a little brother or sister to play with?
Dylan: yeah I guess...can I go play now
Norma: ymmm sure hunnie you go play
Sam: well he took that badly
Norma: he will be fine after a couple of months you'll see
Sam: yeah he's young.

Hey guys so what do u think about Norma expecting again ?? Is this where Norman enters the story? Will Dylan ever be happy about Norma having a baby? How long will until sam explodes? Let me know what you think ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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