Brexa slightly laughed. "Of course were not, because first of all, this is New York, and second, we're badasses. Everything we want to do isn't safe." Brexa then winked at Artemis who cracked a small smile. "I guess you're right. I'm just paranoid from not being more involved in the world anymore. I think this would be good for me, maybe it'll even help me find what or who I'm looking for." Artemis said and Brexa nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, exactly. Just think positive, even though you're one of the biggest pessimists I know." "Oh, yeah, and you're not a pessimist?" Artemis snapped back playfully and Brexa smirked. "I never said I was an optimist either. I'm something a little more in between." The two laughed as they walked further on, coming in contact with a spiffy looking club.

"Damn, those are some bright ass lights." Artemis said as she looked up at the sign which read, "The Zone," in big, bright letters. Brexa only agreed as she pulled Artemis forwards. The two women were lucky, considering they didn't have to wait in line very long, and they happily stepped into the dark room. Artemis looked around with scourging eyes, her mind seeming to swirl and crack at the loud music playing in the background.

Brexa pulled Artemis over to the bar and sat her down, then looked at her funny when she saw the look of nausea on Artemis' face. "Don't tell me you're getting homesick. That trash dump needs to be burned down." Brexa said as Artemis only stared blankly at the marble bar. Brexa kept trying to get her out of her mind, but unfortunately, she was too far gone to realize what was going on in front of her.


"ONE Martini, please," The bartender nodded fondly at Artemis who was opposite of him as she began to scrape at the red of her nails, searching them for flaws as her long brown hair bounced in curls along her back. The loud music was playing behind her as her diamond-crested heels tapped lightly to the beat. Her dress was a low cut v-neck, so when the bartender came back, she snapped her fingers sassily and told him that her eyes were on her face.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. What brings you here at this time of night?" He said slyly, slinging his towel over his shoulder as she raised an eyebrow at him, playing with the olive in her drink.

"Why can't a girl have a little fun on a Sunday?" She said, taking the straw between her two fingers and giving it a twirl before putting it between her lips and taking a sip, all the while eyeing the handsome bartender in front of her.

He smirked at her words, and she mentally rolled her eyes. She had been through this many, many times, and each time it ended with the heel of her shoe being jabbed in one of their eye-sockets and her saying, "Stop being such a fuckboy and shit like this wouldn't happen!"

"I can show you a fun Sunday night, just give me about another hour." He said, smiling almost charmingly as he leaned towards her. Artemis smiled as her long, red fingernail traced his jawline, and she turned his head.

"You've got a jawline for days, baby," She drawled, turning his face back to her own. "But sadly I don't have time for this. My partner's been sitting right beside me this whole time. Have you not noticed how he's been giving you a death glare?" Artemis said as she cocked her head to the side, taking a sip of her martini. Bucky then walked up beside her from the booth he was sitting in, fixing his suit as his jaw clenched.

He cracked his knuckles as the bartender only smiled at the dangerous woman in front of him, cocking his head to the side just like she had done only seconds earlier. "You're a whore," The bartender said, and Artemis only stepped back off of the stool. "Thanks, babe. Show him your arm, hubby. Scare him for me, will ya?" Artemis said as she began sashaying away, and Bucky only smiled. "Yes, ma'am."

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