I open the doors and we go out, sitting at chairs undercover.

"You have no idea how excited I was when I found out Tyler had finally found someone new." She smiles. I laugh, not knowing what to say.

"He's treating you good, right?" I look over at her and her face is filled with interest.

"Yeah, couldn't be any better. He's really amazing. Nice to be able to have a relationship like this compared to my past." I look down at my feet.

"Good. I swear, if he does anything to you, I will beat him. The things he has told me about you makes you sound like such a good girl. I really want him to be with someone that isn't like that, pardon my language, bitch Laynee he had before." We both laugh.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm not anything like that, at least I hope not." I smile and she smiles too.

"So Tyler told me your parents are coming also?"

"Oh my god, yes. Well, I just have my dad." I sigh.

"Oh yes, that's right, Tyler told me about that. Sweet! I can't wait to meet him. I wish we could stay longer, but I have work tomorrow."

"Yeah, Cassidy told me that."

"The girls were pretty excited to meet you too. Sorry if they come across different, they get sort of protective of their older brother." She laughs.

"I'm the same with my brother, I know how it is."

"I forgot you were Tuukka's sister. Tyler explained to me how you guys are siblings, so weird."

"Yeah I know." I smile.

We talk about things, where I'm from and what I'm doing in college and the future, and Tyler and his childhood.

I love Jackie, she's so funny and motherly and just awesome. Just as we are laughing it up, the back door opens and Tuukka is standing there.

"He's here." He says.

"Oh boy." I sigh and Jackie laughs and pats my back as we head inside.

"Hey kiddo." Dad beams. I walk over and give him a hug.

"Hi Dad." I say, barely able to breathe because he is hugging me so tight. He finally lets go and kisses my cheek. I smile and walk over to Jackie.

"Dad, this is Jackie, Tyler's mom. Jackie, this is my father, Joey." I gesture. Jackie smiles and walks over to him, shaking his hand and giving him a hug.

"Your son is a great young man." My dad tells her. Jackie smiles.

"Your daughter is an amazing young lady." They all look over at me and smile.

It feels so awkward, but thankfully the basement door opens and Tyler and the girls come up.

"Joe, hi!" Tyler rushes over and hugs him. Did he just hug my dad? I can't believe this right now. Jackie walks over to the girls.

"These are my daughters, Candace and Cassidy." Jackie introduces them to my dad.

Tyler walks over to me, bringing me to his chest. I rest my head down and hug him tight.

"How'd it go?" I rests his cheek on the top of my head.

"Really good, she's awesome." I laugh. He smiles.

"Good, I was worried you'd think she was weird, she comes across it sometimes." I look up and give him an unimpressed look and he laughs.

"Maybe that's what people think of you." I grin, pulling away from him.

Loved You FirstTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon