"Hey, what did I do?" Harvey defended.

"Cooking my favourite food when you know I'm on a diet right now." I tilt my head to the side in annoyance as realisation comes across his face.

"Oops, yea, forgot about that." He merely shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating the rest of his meal.

I glared at the back of his head before going to the fridge and pulling out an apple and a water bottle to take with me on my run.

"Why are you on a diet? Your body is like, perfect." I heard someone comment and I spun round to see Leo looking at me. Before I could even answer, Harvey slapped his arm.

"Watch it, thats my sister you're talking to." Harvey glared at him.

See that's the thing I don't get about my brother. He literally couldn't give a damn about what I do but as soon as one of his friends show me the tiniest bit of attention he goes all 'big bro' on me.

Technically he can't go all 'big bro' since I was born first and then Harvey followed three minutes afterwards.

I always use it against him which he hates.

"Dude, I paid her a compliment. Its not like I slapped her ass or anything." Leo commented and I laughed. Harvey just rolled his eyes at him and carried on eating whereas Leo winked at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him before leaving it at that. I mean, I could wind up Harvey even more but I decided that my exercise was more important so I bid the boys goodbye and left the house.

I usally took the same route in the summer as in the winter the park would be too slippery from the rain.

This is merry old England after all.

I ran up the main road and through a small alleyway that led me to the nearby park which had a massive section of grass that I would jog back and forth on until I physically couldn't run anymore.

Just as I was about to start my first run over the green, the sound of a laugh, well, cackle, snapped me out of my state of fitness.

Honestly who cackles these days?

Sitting at the park were a group of kids that I recognised from school. One of them was one of the girls from the toilet situation.

There were two other girls and about five guys all hanging around one of the benches that was placed by the climbing frame of the park.

Right, ignore them. All I need to do is do my run and go home, that way I can have more time to rewatch Pretty Little Liars.

I began my first run and the chatter from the group died down when I ran past so it was obvious they were all staring at me.

Just keep going Eli, soon you'll be past them.

"Isn't that Harvey's sister?"

"Think so. Don't remember her name though."


Nevertheless, I carried on. I steadied my breathing when I finally made it to the end of the green. Pulling my water bottle out of my hoodie pocket, I took a few sips before going to continue my run.

My legs started to burn as I entered my fifth run. I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead and my chest becoming heavy from trying to catch my breath.

As soon as I made it to the other end of the green, I fell to the ground and lay on my back.

I had to push myself today since I hadn't gone for a run for a couple of weeks now and with the audition coming up I need to push myself even harder.

"Hey Emily."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion and sat up to face the voice that shouted in my direction.

I saw that it was two of the boys from the park who were walking towards me.

"Uh, my names Eliana." I corrected, slowly pulling myself to my feet so I was at the same level as the boys.

I think their names were Aaron and Chris.

"Same thing." Aaron shrugged off. Why is everyone so rude these days? Aaron seemed like he was up his own arse and Chris just looked shy as he hadn't even looked at me.

"Anyway, we were just wondering if you could do something for us." Aaron continued and I raised an eyebrow.

This probably wasn't going to be good but if it means they'll leave me alone then I'm all for it.

"We just need you to become friends with Leo Taylor."

Really? That's it? Unless there's a real reason why.

"And why are you asking me to do that?" I question and Aaron smirks.

"None of your business darlin', just make sure you do it."

And with that, they both turned and buggered off.

I could see in the distance the rest of their group were patiently waiting for them with Ivy looking particularly keen.

Wait a minute, Ivy and Kirsty were talking about Leo in the toilet yesterday. They probably have something to do with it.

But why would they want me to be friends with him? Why don't they just ask Harvey since he's already friends with him.

All of this was hurting my brain and I didn't like it.

Of course I'm not going to do what they ask. Leo is Harvey's friend, not mine.

Looks like they asked the wrong girl.


Howdy, so this is a bit of a filler chapter and some more things will happen in the next so just keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next update, bye!

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