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Liam pov

I walked into the door "where the fuck were you" my dad said lifting my up with the collar on my shirt "at a friend doing a science project " bullshit liam bullshit " my dad said punching me I heard feet moving 'sisters please be sisters' I thought to my self "leave him alone " I heard Ruth say just then my dad put me down and kick me hard " bye worthless stupid son" I just want it to stop" I said" I know liam I know"

I laid there in my bed 'did I really like niall sometimes I fell like I can tell him anything but others I fell like he a dumbass why me ' I sat up 2:40 I groaned and look outside I went out my window and sat on the roof  just then I heard a voice "sorry for being a dumbass " I look over to see niall "stocker " I said "I only to came here to say sorry" "did your mom and dad find out "" no I came here cause I might quit the group " I smile " yeah I less person to give me pain "" come on with me gone it's only 3 ""I wish it's 5":how ?""my mom and dad abuse me " he frown "no dude if I knew" he stated "you will take that for another reason to beat me up "" how about i  break you out and you come live with me ""ok you pack I tell Nicola and Ruth" he nodded as I went to they room they were already awake "getting out of this hell hole" they laugh" where are you going to go?" "with my favorite bully that not going be bully " they smiled "have fun"" cover for me you know nothing" I said going out the door and out my window.

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