Ch 9: Re-Life

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    "So... We're suddenly ghosts, and we're in the past. 35 years in the past. Is that it?" Anoop asked. 

    "Yup." Ajay replied.

    "Yup? Yup?! What the hell do you mean 'Yup'?! How are we gonna get back?!" Anoop shouted. 

    "I don't know... But let's check the place out. Maybe we'll find a way to get back..." Ajay said. 

    "Hey... What about this: the corridor of the 3rd floor has a wormhole, o-or a spatial distortion of some kind that teleported us to the past?" Chris mumbled. 

    Both Anoop and Ajay stared at him like he'd gone crazy. Ajay shrugged his shoulders and said "Well, We can't argue against that. We're IN the past after all." 

    "If it was a time portal, we would need to find it again to get back to our time." Chris explained. 

    "So let's just walk around then." Anoop said, and started to walk towards the door. Ajay just stood frozen at his spot, staring at something outside the window. Anoop followed is line of vision, but and saw a boy entering the classroom. He looked older than the ones in the class, like about 12th grade. 

    "What is it?" He asked Ajay, who pointed at a boy . Anoop squinted closer, and gasped in shock. That was the boy whose corpse they'd found in X-C, 35 years later! "That boy... Is he gonna die today?"

    In response, A loud clap of thunder boomed and the sky grew darker. Many of the students cried out in alarm.

    The 12th grade guy walked up to the teacher and asked her if he could get his record signed, since his practicals were in 2 days. The teacher was annoyed and asked him if he was the only one whose record needed correction. The guy replied that there were 3 more boys in his class who needed their's signed. The teacher told him to come in the evening, at around 4:00, along with the other 3 people. 

    The boy agreed and turned back to walk out of the classroom, passing right through Ajay as he did so. 

    "He's just getting his record signed, right? Who would kill him over a record?!" Chris asked. 

    "I don't know, but we'd better follow him." Anoop replied. So saying, they ran out of X-C and began following the boy. Anoop glanced at his ID. "It says his name is Rahul, and yeah, he is from XII-B." 

    Rahul made his way to the 2nd floor and walked to his classroom. It was utter chaos in there! There wasn't any teacher, maybe absent. So the entire class was shouting and laughing. Ajay, Anoop and Chris followed Rahul as he went towards a seat and began talking with 3 other boys. Ajay glanced at Chris who was staring wide-eyed at a girl chatting with her friends. "Damn, that girl is cute!" Chris said, grinning. 

    "Well... She'd be almost as old as your Grandma by now, so whatever floats you boat, man!" Ajay countered, and Anoop burst out laughing. 

    "You had to ruin it." muttered Chris. 

    Momentarily, A person entered the class and announced: "Students! On account of the rain, all classes have been suspended for today. Anybody who wishes to leave for their home may do so. Also, The telephone is temporarily free for anyone who needs to contact their parents!"

    Everyone cheered, and began running around, fumbling to pack their bags and rush out of the school. Chris looked at Rahul and his friends, who seemed upset. 

    'Oh, right. They need their records signed.' Chris thought to himself. 

    "Get your records out, Lets go get em signed." Rahul told his friends. 

    "So soon? I thought you said Jessie ma'am would sign them only at 4:00!" One of his friends, a boy named Bharath, exclaimed. 

    "That's what she said, but now that the classes are cancelled, she'll be free. Let's go." Rahul answered, and hefted his bag onto his shoulder. 

    The four boys walked outside, with Ajay, Anoop, and Chris following close behind. 

_____ _ _____

    "I don't like this... It's too empty.." priya muttered. They were searching for Prabhu's friends without much success. 

    Prabhu was looking at the end of the corridor, where he was sure he saw something moving. Squinting his eyes, He slowly inched towards the thing. 

    "Hey, Priya. Shirley. Don't make a sound. Follow me." Prabhu whispered, and the three of them slowly treaded towards the moving object. 

    Out of nowhere, a bright yellow light flashed right in front of them, temporarily blinding them. Shirley staggered back, rubbing her eyes. Prabhu knelt on the floor, trying to blink away the light. He suddenly felt a heavy presence right in front of him. 

    Prabhu slowly looked up to see a horrifying specimen of a man, bald, oozing with blood and pus, staring right back at him, eyes convoluted in an expression of rage. 

    Priya, who had also seen the man, screamed in fright. The three of them simply took off, running as fast as their legs could carry them. Prabhu glanced behind his shoulder and was horrified to see the man following them, very slowly. 

    Not daring to look again, they ran, down the stairway, down to the ground floor, where they stood, huffing and puffing, catching their breath. 

    Prabhu sighed in exasperation. They couldn't just walk back to the dorms and pretend nothing happened! They needed to go back to the 3rd floor to find his friends and answers! No other go. They had to ask that thing what was going on. 

_____ _ _____

A/N: Welcome back, dear readers! First up, I am so sorry for this chapter's delay.. There were a lot of holes I had to get rid of.. Second, I hope you enjoy it! Leave a vote or a comment if you did :D

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