Start from the beginning

Shelley stared at the tag and started screaming. She dropped her flowers. The flowers in the vase fell on the ground. She started screaming and shaking. Nurses and doctors ran in and started to try and calm her down.

"PROTECT MY DAUGHTER ! PROTECT HER FRIENDS ! HE'S BACK ! HE'S BACK ! ! " , Shelley screamed. You could hear her screams even outside the room. Even out side the hospital. You could hear it so fucking well.... . .


Malia dropped the broken piece of glass. Her hands were covered in blood, she cried and Steven held her. Chance fell into Allison's arms. 

"Okay, calm down Chance. I was taught professionally but I'm gonna need you to work with me. I need to go dig inside your stomach. Okay ? " , Lily (Jackon's younger sister) asked Chance. Chance nodded, he was shaking terribly. Lily stuck her finger into his open wound. He screamed but Allison held his hand. 

"I can feel something , " Lily said. She went deeper and Chance screamed in pain. 

"In 1 , 2 , and 3 ! " Lily screamed as she pulled a key right out of his stomach. Chance screamed so loud in pain. He was sweating and laid in Allison's arms for a while. Lily looked at the key then at the door. She ran to the door and unlocked it.

"Okay, guys.  Come on. " , Lily told them quietly and they all got up and moved on. They walked silently through the butcher shop. It was larger than they expected. They walked through the back. They found a room and decided to stay there. Lily stitched Chance back up.

"Okay, we need to find something ! Anything ! " , Troye said. 

"I'll stay here with Chance " , Malia sighed and let Chance rest his head on her lap.

"Okay, I'll go with Allison. Jackson goes with Lily. And Brooke, Cam, go with Steve. " , Troye said. They all agreed and moved out. 


Troye and Allison walked through the butcher shop. They all looked around. 

"God, I just want to be home and sleep." , Allison cried out. They walked through the building and all of a sudden, they walked on a pressure plate. All of a sudden, an axe attached to a string swung at them. It came towards Allison, she bent down. Then it got lower and Allison got lower. Then it got lower. And she fell on her back. 

"ALLISON ! " , Troye screamed. He ran towards her, but all of a sudden the axe swung at him and Allison pulled him down. They both laid on the ground. They crawled around the axe. Then they kept on running, all of a sudden the killer jumped in front of them and punched Troye down. Allison screamed and the killer pulled out their knife and went at her. She dodged it and kicked the killer on the stomach. She picked up Troye and as she started running, the killer stabbed her in the leg. She screamed, she fell down and looked up at the killer. The killer lifted up their knife in the air. 

"GO TO HELL ! " , Allison screamed and stabbed the killer in the leg with a broken piece of glass. She got up and kept on running. 


Lily walked through the building. Jackson was behind her and they walked into a grinding room. 

"God, this place is creepy." , Lily sighed. She turned around and saw the killer behind Jackson. The killer fell to the ground, the killer had a piece of glass in their leg. 

"RUN ! " , Lily screamed. She grabbed Jackson and they ran. The killer screamed, "STOP ! " but they were already gone.


Malia sighed. Chance was resting on her lap.

"You okay?" , she asked him.

"Yeah," he smiled. 

'Listen, Chance. We never got a chance to talk. Just like, the two of us? Ya know ? " she asked. 

"Yeah" , Chance agreed. Malia held his hand.

"I'm so sorry that I brought you into this mess, you never deserved this ! " , she cried out. 

"Hey, don't cry. Crying won't do anything. I'm a fighter, you're a fighter and we're survivors. Never forget that. " , he smiled. She smiled back at him and they hugged.


The 3 of them walked through the building. All of a sudden, they heard a noise behind them. 

"I'll go check it out." , Steve told them and walked towards the sound. As he walked around the corner, the 2 girls heard a scream. They saw him fall onto the ground with a knife in his chest.

"AHHH!" , they both screamed. The killer turned around the corner and they both ran. They ran through the building and into a random room. Except, this was the grinding room. They saw somebody hanging upside down from a rope. They had a bag around their head. All of a sudden, the killer walked in. The killer walked towards the person in the bag and took it off to reveal that the person hanging upside down was Julie. She was beaten up and bleeding. The killer sliced her rope and she fell on to the ground. She tried to run, but the killer grabbed her. Cam was about to go save her until the killer held a knife to Julie's neck.

"P-Please.." , Cam cried. The killer looked at Cam.

"Answer me this, if you had a choice. Would you kill this bitch ? " , the killer asked them. Brooke eyes were filled with tears.

"N-No.." , Cam cried. The killer turned on the grinder and stuck Julie's head in it. 

"Answer me truly. Is she a bitch?" , the killer asked.

"Y.....-" , Cam was about to answer until Malia ran in and threw a broken piece of glass at the killer. The killer dodged it and it stabbed Julie right in the leg.

"AHH ! " , Julie cried out. The killer sighed.

"Stupid bitch.." , the killer turned on the grinder. Julie screamed and screamed until her scream fainted. Out of the grinder came blood and guts and a brain. The killer then shoved her whole body in there until Malia ran towards the killer and kneed the killer but the killer sliced her arm and punched her in the face. The killer ran off. Malia fell to the ground. Cam fell to the ground crying. Brooke looked around and saw a phone. She picked it up and called 911. 

"HELLO ?! " , Brooke cried out.


Multiple ambulances and police cars arrived at the broken down old homeless butcher shop. Mariana and Jones ran in with cops behind their backs. 

"SEARCH FOR THE KILLER ! " , Jones yelled and his team split up looking for the killer. Mariana walked in the grinding room where Julie's dead body was along with Malia , Cam , and Brooke on the ground huddling together. Mariana ran to them and hugged them. They fell into her arms crying. 

Jones found Troye and Allison in the room with Chance. He called his back up team and they helped them. Everyone ran through out the building. They all got out safety. They put Chance and Troye in an ambulance. They put Cam and Brooke  along with Lily in a separate one with Malia and Mariana. Steve was in that same ambulance and Malia comforted him. She smiled and kissed  him. Jackson was i nthe ambulance with Troye and Chance.

"Cue the montage." , Troye smiled and sighed and kissed Jackson. Jackson smiled and kissed Troye back. The ambulances got ready and drove off . 


All 9 of the friends , or what was left of them walked through the the town. None of them could process what had happened to Julie. All of them... All of them , all of them felt responsible for Julie's death .. . . . . . 



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