Chapter 27

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I woke up with Hayed shaking me. "Wake up. Our show starts in 20 min." he said. "Okay." I said and sat up. I fixed my hair and make-up. I held onto Shawn's wheelchair as he climbed off his bed and got into the wheelchair. I took Shawn to the bathroom so he can fix his hair and I went back to the bunks and got on my shoes. "Kim I need help!" Shawn called. "Coming!" I said making my way to the bathroom. "What is it?" I asked. "I need help with my shoe and what is this show for." He asked. I help put on his right shoe as I explained about the show. I learned that he remembered the guys but he didn't know how he knew them. "Okay off the bus." Bart said. I wheeled Shawn off the bus but with some difficulties. Once we entered the backstage area we heard screaming fans. Bart ran out onto the stage with a mic. "Welcome everyone. First off I am happy to see all of you and I hope you like the show. We have Cameron Dallas, Taylor Caniff, Jack Johnson, Carter Reynolds, Jack Gilinsky, Matthew Espinosa, Nash Grier, Shawn Mendes, Kimberly Song, Aaron Carpenter, and Hayes Grier." Bart said. We all ran out as our names were called. I wheeled Shawn out and the crowd went silent. We started by doing a Q/A. "Girl with curled hair with the Shawn Mendes peace sign shirt." I said pointing a girl in the front row. "Why is Shawn in a wheel chair?" She asked. "He was in a car accident." I answered. "Oh my gosh Shawn are you okay?" She said concerned. "I'm okay." Shawn said. "Girl with the bandana and Taylor Caniff tie-dye shirt." I said. "Have you known any of the guys for a long time?" She asked. "Actually I have and that is Shawn." I said. "How long?" She asked. "Since we were ten." I said. We finished with the Q/A and did a dance battle. The Jacks sang/rapped Tides and Wrong One and Shawn didn't want to sing. I sang my song I wrote when Shawn was in the hospital, All for Love. We didn't have a meet and greet today so we went to the van and talked about random things.


All for Love, is by Madison Beer ft. Jack and Jack

 If you haven't heard look it up on YouTube it's really good.

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