"The thought hadn't even crossed my mind" Kevin replies with a small smirk. There's no way he's going to give this guy any sort of satisfying reaction.

"That's good. I love it! The way you can just turn your emotions on and off like a switch. I bet inside you're dying to know who I am and why you're here, but on the outside you don't let anything show. Very clever, Detective" Malone points out very excitedly, despite his captive's best efforts he still seems satisfied with the lack of reaction.

It's as if this is all some sort of game to him. So, right now, Ryan's main concern is the fact that this guy is most likely a full on psychopath.

Malone continues to stare at him "You know it's a real shame that I have to give you up. You see, out of all of my targets, you have certainly been the most interesting"

"Your targets? What are you some sort of hit man?" Kevin questions.

The detective's words seem to entertain his captor greatly. A big grin works its way across his face.

"I'm not one of those mindless apes that goes round killing people at the click of someone's fingers. No, I'm the type of person people hire when they want information. My job is to infiltrate organisations, in your case the NYPD, and retrieve information for my employers that can be very damaging to another person" Malone explains gripping Ryan's knees.

Ryan shuffles uncomfortably at the contact, but doesn't make a big deal out of it, because he doesn't want this mercenary for hire to pick up on his distress. This guy is looking for a way to get to him so he can break him.

"What information did you get from the NYPD?" the detective queries, trying to take his mind off the unwanted hands on his knees.

"Look at you trying to work it out. You haven't pieced it together yet have you?" Malone smiles smugly "Let me explain a little more for you. My employers, whom you will meet shortly, hired me to get inside the Irish mob and find its weakness"

The ego of this guy! Ryan internally rolls his eyes. Such a stereotypical narcissistic villain to reveal his evil plans to his captive... Wait! The detective makes sure to hold back his delight as he realises he can use this man's arrogance against him.

"If your aim was to get inside the Irish mob then I'm afraid you've failed" Kevin tells him with a small smirk.

"Did I? My aim was to find a way to bring the Irish mob down. The only way to do that is to bring down its leader Mick McConnell. Are you starting to understand now, Detective Ryan?" Malone chuckles coldly.

Ryan's heart shatters slightly as he finally works out why he's there.

"The NYPD has been trying to take down McConnell for years, but has had no success. What makes you think that you do it?" Kevin asks half heartedly as he fears Malone might already have the answer to his question.

"I think you know as well as I do that I have the best and the only thing, right here, that can take down the great Mick McConnell. It took me a while to work it out. At first I kept a close watch on McConnell and learnt his daily routine. Everyday he'd go about his business, but out of everything that he did during the day, one thing never changed. Every single day he'd park his car outside of the twelfth precinct. I couldn't understand his behaviour at first. I mean, what's a guy like him doing waiting outside a precinct? But then I saw you and your partner. Everyday around the same time you'd go outside to the news-stand and buy a newspaper. And everyday, as you stood there talking to Detective Esposito, I'd see him watching you. It got my attention to say the least so I did some digging and as it turns out, the great Micky McConnell had a son with his childhood sweetheart. Strangely enough, you are exactly the same age as his son, Detective Ryan. Now isn't that a coincidence!" Malone allows a wicked smile to plaster his face "That's when I decided to join your homicide unit. All I had to do was fake a few papers to say I was from a state far far away and I was in. I remember when I first saw you close up and it really struck me just how much you look like dear old Micky, especially those blue eyes of yours, exactly like your daddy's aren't they?"

For an uncomfortable moment, the mercenary leans in closer to stare into the blue eyes he seems so fond of. Kevin does his best to keep his emotions switched off. It's such a struggle considering what he's just found out. Mick has been watching him. This mob boss has been taking time out of his day, every single day, to see him.

"I want to thank you though, Detective Ryan" his captor pulls him back out of his mind and to this strange reality "You were the only one who actually tolerated me or rather you were the only one who tolerated Malone. Honestly, I don't know how you put up with him. Even I couldn't stand the guy I had to pretend to be!"

Malone laughs out loud at himself. Unaware or simply uncaring of the inner turmoil he's causing for the detective. It's sickening. Malone has known all the facts from the very beginning!

"So, I take it your name's not Gary Malone then?" Ryan queries, maintaining his outward defences as he tries to take in all this new information.

"Wow, Detective, you're good! Really good!" Malone lifts himself up off the floor and walks behind Ryan, out of his line of sight "No, that's not my name, but it was a good cover, don't you think?"

The blue eyed detective shakes his head "What should I call you then?"

"That's none of your concern. Malone will suffice" comes an answer from somewhere behind him.

"You've been very clever, Malone, but I think there's just a few things you haven't considered" Kevin speaks up, knowing full well this will get the attention of the narcissist.

"Oh really? Pray tell what those things are?" Malone walks back into view with a large black duffel bag, placing it a few feet away from his captive, he starts rooting around inside of it.

"First of all, what makes you think that your employers will want this sort of trouble? After all I am a cop and Mick's son. Can your employers really handle the heat that's going to be brought down on them?" Kevin asks as he tries to get a look as to what's inside the bag.

"I'm pretty sure the Russians can handle it. They're nothing but a bunch of vodka drinking brutes that like to break people's bones" Malone advises him coldly.

Ryan begins to fit all the pieces together inside his head like a jigsaw. The Russian mob and the Irish mob are the top two gangs in New York City right now. Two rival groups. If the Russians really did hire Malone to take him then this could lead to an all out mob war. Dozens of people could be killed!

"You don't really care what happens do you? How much are the Russians paying you for this job, huh?" the detective asks in an attempt to make it more personal for Malone. If he can manage to get under his skin then maybe he will slip up and give away some helpful information.

"More than you earn in a year, Detective" is the simple reply he gets.

"You do realise that once Mick, my dad, works out that the Russians have me then he'll declare war against them? Innocent people will get caught in the crossfire. You're many things, Malone, but you're not a killer. Are you really going to let people die just so you can get yourself a big pay cheque?" Ryan struggles against the restraints on his wrists. The rope is pretty tight and it's starting irritate his skin.

"The Russians will be here soon and I will get my big pay cheque and then I'm going to walk on out of here. I don't like getting my hands dirty, Detective, but it doesn't mean I won't if necessary" Malone warns as he stands up and makes his way around the back of Kevin's chair "Now shut up and be a good little hostage"

Ryan opens his mouth to reply only to hear his own voice muffled. Malone has shoved a rag in his mouth. The detective chokes slightly as his captor uses his thumb to push it further inside. Once satisfied, the mercenary picks up a long black piece of cloth off the floor and ties it around his mouth, to hold the rag in place. Ryan grunts in disapproval at the added discomfort he's now in.

All he can think about is if his NYPD family will be able to work it all out in time. Of course, Kevin has no idea if his friends are even looking for him yet. Once he doesn't come back they're bound to know something's wrong, but he knows he could be in the hands of the Russians before that happens. So, he just has to keep praying that Esposito finds him in time, because it is his partner who he wants to find him. It's Javier who he imagines charging through the doors, guns blazing, to save him from all this.

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