Chapter 7

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I just wanna say how awesome you guys are.


"Seriously Matt?" I laughed.
He was about to answer but someones phone rang.
Cameron screamed as the song 'Boss Ass Bitch' started playing.
I wrapped my fingers around Cams phone.
Cam screamed like Agnes from Despicable Me 2. I whipped my hands over my ears as Matt pushed Cam over, cutting his yells off.

I rolled my eyes at their behavior and put my attention on the TV. We hadn't changed the channel yet so Spongebob was still on.

It was the one where Squidward moves to a town full of squids and Patrick was currently asking a fire hydrant if it was Squidward.

"That's okay, take your time".

By now, the boys had stopped wrestling, only because Stacy had called them down for an important phone call.

Literally 15 minutes later, all the boys had come to 'fangirl' about the important news they were all screaming and hollering about.

They had been invited to Dallas, Texas for their first stop on the Magcon tour.

Don't get me wrong, I was excited, but my stomach felt like I had eaten a gigantic boulder, which I probably would. If that boulder was ice cream.

OK, I'm getting off topic.
But still, what would happen once they left? Should I go and become best friends with Harrison? Should I leave? Will I have to leave? Why am I asking so many questions?
I shook my head, clearing whatever crazy thoughts I had in my brain.
I prepared myself to go downstairs and opened the door.
The guys had stopped screaming so I thought it was safe. It wasn't.
As soon as my left foot hit the wooden floor, Matt jumped up and ran over to me. He had a smile on his face, like always, and grabbed my shoulders.
"Err.. What are you doing?" I nervously stammered.
"Pack your stuff". He simply said.
"You're going to Magcon with us!" He yelled.
I covered my face as all the boys practically tackled me.
And I mean all the boys.
"Boys! Boys! Leave Adria alone and get packing. You leave tomorrow!" Stacy called out.
I gave out a relieved sigh as they broke away and started to leave so they could pack.
It was just me and Matt after they left so we started discussing rooms.
"We can have as many rooms as we need, but we all can't have separate rooms. Only you, if you want one and if you share a room with someone, then you have separate beds."
I nodded..
"How about Nash and Cameron share a room?" I suggested. He agreed and wrote it down on a piece of paper.

"Carter and Sam? Jack and Jack?"

He laughed. "Jack and Jack are obviously going to room together!"

We noted their names on the paper and finished up the not official rooms. Matt went to show his mom, which left me thinking.

I sprawled on the floor and played on my phone. Harrison came into the room and lie down next to me.
"Are you gonna get ready?" He asked.
"I already am" I said, but decided to get changed anyway.
I dashed to my room and slipped into yoga pants and a hoodie.
I wasn't going to change when I woke up yesterday so I wore something comforting.

By the time I had officially been done packing and getting ready, it was 10 and I was exhausted. Matthew had came in, talking about our schedule for the day, an hour ago.

I sprawled across the queen sized bed on my back, staring at the ceiling.

My eyes were drooping and my vision went black as I passed out.

This is really really short. I know but I didn't really know what else to add and I wanted to have the day they go to Magcon as a separate chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and vote for it if you did like it!

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