One Night

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One night


After he went to war everything changed. He was no longer the guy I saw everyday across the road. He was no longer the guy that annoyed me every morning. He was no longer the guy that I could tell everyday that I loved him.

The year 2062, the future. Rules had become more strict, especially the army..

His army were strict, only ever allowed him one week off every year. He told me they said that a huge war was coming on and it was vital for him and his team to get ready, that there was no time to back out.

His army were heartless, if anyone died, John said, then all they could do was send home a letter, that too one that was scruffy, showered in mud and possibly stepped on 10 times before reaching its destination. They didn't even have the decency to speak face to face: Apparently, they didn't have the 'time'.

His army had rules - strict rules - that had to obeyed: They weren't allowed to feel mercy on their enemy, they weren't allowed to sleep on duty, heck, they weren't even allowed to sleep. They weren't allowed to have any connection to their family, though I doubt they could reach us if they wanted to, they said it brought too much emotion.

They weren't allowed to love...

And thats how it happened. Love. Emma and John- never to be seperated is what they would say. Me and John- lovers for internal life is what John and I would say.

We were only allowed to meet for one night: the only week holiday that John had yet he spent 3 days trying to find me in the same place we always met. We would spend that one night together and he would spend those 3 days going back.

But it all changed after that one night. The night they found out. The night he was caught breaking a rule. The night which was the only way we could spend together.

The night they killed him..

And this is how it happened.


"They have security everywhere!" I whispered in a lone but shocked tone.

"Yeah," he replied casually, munching on the sandwhiches I had bought for him especially. "But I don't care."

"How can you simply say that! They are everywhere! If they find out you are meeting the 'person you love' then they will kill y-!"

He covered my mouth and put down his bread. "I came all the way here to come and see you. Whether they kill me or not at least it won't be in a heartless battle, but I will die.." he touched my face.. "..seeing you."

I lost myself in his blue eyes, his blond hair waving about in the wind. His army suit was a complete wreck, covered with mud and grass but he couldn't care less. I hugged him tightly and he put his chin on my head and started laughing. "Don't worry tiger, I won't leave you that easily!" He joked. I let out a little laugh and sighed.

A horrible thought began to take over my mind as I fought to keep away the thought of my state if he had actually died. That one day I would be one of those people who received a scruffy, mud-filled letter at my door and saw the heartless, dark black imprinted words

'We are sad to report that John White has come to the end of this mission, led to an unfortunate-'

'No!' My mind screamed. Not John, he couldn't leave me. With this I began to squeeze him harder. "Woah, calm down. I'm not going anywhere." He laughed once again.

"I just can't bare the thought of hearing about-"

"About what?" He now held my shoulders and broke our embrace, looking me straight in the eye. "Emma, we have survived 3 years together, maybe not face to face but in our hearts we have felt eachother! Are you breaking that now?!" He spoke, anger clear in his eyes. "We WILL overcome this. And your negative thinking won't get us anywhere!"

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