The Lady in White || Grapeapplejen

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Hello! This is a story for ineffablecube who was my partner for Cube Spooky Santa. She's funny and writes really amazing stories, go check her out! This is NOT my MAIN account, it's my secret ANONYMOUS one. Also, this is an AU where Jen and her friends are friends with Grape, everyone's pretty much the same age, and they live somewhere close to Durand Eastman Park. Okay! Anyways, I hope you like it, Jen!

"There is a place called Durand Eastman Park. It expanded on the cliffs by the lake for miles, and it was beautiful - that's the simplest word to describe it. My great grandmother told me that in the 1900s, there was a young woman, and she was in love. Her parents hated him, however, and forbade them to speak to each other ever again. But the girl wasn't one for listening...

"On a crazed summer's night, she stole the family fortune and her mother's wedding dress. She waited at the top of Widow's Peak for her love to come; they were planning to elope that night.
Suddenly, she heard a twig snap. She spun around to see the face of her beloved. He was smiling widely, with the handsome face she knew. But he was smiling with empty eyes. Something wasn't right.
The dagger shoved in her stomach a second later proved that.

"Her scream echoed through the trees, but they might as well had been soundless, for no one heard her. She died alone, abandoned by the one she thought she'd been dear to. He stole her riches and hid away from the world. But you can't hide from ghosts.

He was found lifeless at Widow's Peak, stabbed in the stomach less than a month later.

"They say a lady dressed in white has been seen roaming the cliffs, red stain and all. Some hear her hopeless wails. And some never come back at all...but-"

"Oh my gosh," Jen scoffed, cutting her friend Rae's story off. "One: you so looked that up. Two: this is really dumb. I'd rather be going up to random strangers houses and taking their candy, not shivering in the freaking cold. Why did I let you guys bring me here?"

"Because you love us," Sammy explained.

"I really don't though..."

Both of her friends pouted, before Jen cracked a smirk and they laughed.

"I'll make sure you still get some candy, Jen," Sean smiled.

She turned her head to the tall, dark haired boy standing next to her. The group of four were all just outside the beginning of the trail to the infamous Durand Eastman Park, and Rae had of course revealed her reason for bringing them there after they had already arrived. Halloween terror, of course... Ugh.

She returned his gesture and grinned back. "Thanks, Swedish Fish?"

"And Kit-Kats," he finished happily.

The other two girls giggled, and Jen shot them a quick look to shut them up that thankfully Sean didn't notice.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?" Sean asked.
"We're gonna go up to Widow's Peek, of course!" Rae spun around, and faced the towering trees. They hadn't even gone in yet, and it would surely take a while to navigate their way through the trail at all, but to the top of the whole thing? Jen's stomach lurched at the thought.

"No we're not," she firmly stated.

"What, are you scared?" Rae laughed, looking back at Jen. "No, seriously. It'll be fine. This is the whole point of Halloween! Come on,"

Sammy met Jen's eyes, trying to look serious - though there was still a slightly playful look in her eyes. "She's never gonna shut up if we don't do this,"

Jen wasn't scared, of course not. None of those dumb urban legends made any sense, the only thing to be frightened of in the whole forest were getting pummeled by deer or kidnapped by a creepy old man...they were both (hopefully) unlikely, however. It was still a stupid thing to do, even so. Once they reached the top, what would they do? What would be the point?
She bit her lip and looked down. Her friends both frowned, and Sean looked at the trail. Did he want to go? She couldn't tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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