At the Beginning of Time

Start from the beginning

Eventually, the cyclic nature of everything in the multi-verse dulled his mind. He decided that he wanted someone else to partake in this beauty. So he separated the caring and nurturing part of his cognisance from the creationist part of him.

Thus, our Mother was created.

"Oh creator of mine, why do I exist?" she asked.

"Rejoice my dear; we will enjoy this world together. I will create and you preserve," Brahman spoke for the first time.

Brahman created and Mother preserved. She protected, guided and preserved all that was created in this multi verse as if they were her own children. Brahman felt her wish to nurture and fathered four children out of his own body but they were created devoid of knowledge and having the ability to learn.

Thus, Mother spent the next few yugas teaching and nurturing her four children to raise them into omnipotent beings just like Brahman. The children, under the care of their mother grew up in the likeness of their creator and nurturer. Brahman spent this time in amazement observing the love of a mother towards her children. Overcome with this feeling he decided to share this feeling with as many beings as possible.

Dividing half of his soul into innumerable parts he spread it across the multi-verse and the remaining half continued as he had before creating more in the planes of existence. These seeds of his soul clung on to the first matter that they encountered and those received consciousness.

Thus, life was created in the multi-verse.

Over time the seeds of his souls began to evolve all over the multi-verse, including in that little rock that we live on, Earth. Life all over the multi-verse evolved in different directions. On Earth also, it was the same. Life began from the simple singled cell organism to complex multi-cellular organisms and finally to the early humans.

Brahman gave his now grown sons the responsibility of governing over all the realms while he resigned to bask in the glory of his creation with his companion, our Mother. His sons over time looked after all the universes together protecting the entire Samsaara.

They used to look over all the different beings in all the different realms as though they were their own children. From time to time, they would change their forms and go to on the different planets when the masses needed their counsel and protection. They appeared on Earth as well in multiple forms and many times.

They came on Earth in the form of humans as well to protect them from various calamities. Life on Earth, by then had evolved well into the creation of human civilisation. It was a true Utopia of sinless beings working together for progress and development.

The human civilisation of the old times lived in harmony with the nature and all of God's other creations. The spoken word was created and people began calling the four sons and their different forms that protected them with different names like angels, messiah, farishta, and devas. They came to adorn each of the four sons of God with the name archangels.

Brahman watched over the people on earth with fondness. He was proud of them as they lived sinless and free. He gave each of his sons' specific tasks to look after his most beloved children more efficiently.

He named his bravest son Mikhail - the protector and he was asked to use his strength to protect the humans.

He named his most loyal son Gibrail - the messenger, and he was tasked with spreading the word of Brahman who was by now called God on Earth.

He named his most compassionate son Ishrafil - the healer and tasked him with the responsibility to nurture us humans.

Lastly he named his most beloved son Azrail - the kind, and gave him with the most important task of reincarnating souls of people who have passed on.

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