Chapter 10 - Promises Made

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Photo Credits : Aboutaldub16 Instagram Account

Finally! I get to write about the wedding of Richard and Dei. I purposely did not sync this with Kalye Serye's wedding episode because I wanted to use their photos and capture the feels of that day.

I wish that when you read this dear readers, you get to feel all the emotions that the characters go through, especially Dei's mama, who will have an epiphany in this chapter. I also wish you can listen to the wedding song I chose for them, I purposely chose the lyric video so that you can read the lyrics and identify with them.

It's a happy day for our ficMaine (Dei) and ficAlden (Richard), especially felt after all the hardships they went through just to be together. Enjoy reading my dears, and please share your thoughts. Let's not move on from the happiness :) 

April 14, 2012

It was finally Dei's wedding day, three months after that fateful day Richard proposed to her in Tagaytay. For once, her mother's conservatism worked for her. Marian allowed the wedding to happen after Dei and Richard spent the night together, even though Richard assured them that nothing happened between them that night.

After their visit to her parents, Dei's papa came to Richard's condo to take her home, with a solid assurance that Dei would be safe from any harm. He and Marian had a long discussion about Dei, and for the first time, Teddy put his foot down abut Marian's abusive disciplinary style. Richard was totally against Dei going back home but she agreed, on the condition that once her mama lifts a finger against her, she would going back to Ri again.

Teddy was insistent to take back his daughter. He bargained that since they would be getting married soon, he needed to be with her with what little time she had left before the wedding. They also agreed that Dei needed to finish all her academic requirements in order to graduate from school, which included her internship at Fleming & Johns Publishing House, where she got an internship as one of the Junior Editors of their blog.

True to his word, Richard and his family went back to Dei's house to formally ask permission for the wedding. It was an awkward meeting at first, Dei's mom was melancholic and quiet all throughout the dinner. But Rose was a charmer, she took the opportunity to talk with Marian, just the two of them in the garden.

What started out as a discussion admiring Marian's corner of orchids and other flowers turned into a discussion about raising kids and the challenges of trying to understand them. Rose was self-deprecating, admitting some of her mistakes in parenting but turning them into funny anecdotes. Although Marian was not as open about her parenting experiences, she relaxed visibly and laughed at Rose's stories.

By the time they were ready to leave, Rose gathered Dei into a warm hug, kissing her soon-to-be daughter-in-law on the head. The scene did not escape Marian, who once again felt left out, after seeing Richard and Teddy hug as well. Richard hugged Dei as well and kissed her on the forehead before leaving. As a consolation though, Marian saw how Richard's parents, grandmother and sister treated Dei, she could heave a sigh of relief that his family accepted her daughter wholeheartedly.

Marian knocked on the door of her daughter's hotel room, her heart beating fast. Throughout the three months that Dei was with them, she and Dei barely talked, there was always an awkward silence when it was just the two of them in the room. Dei continued to enjoy her closeness with Teddy, but with Marian it was a totally different matter.

Gone was the subservient daughter who was like a scared mouse whenever near her mother. She was still respectful but now had a quiet confidence in her that seemed defiant of her love for Richard. She consulted Rose more than her mother, for the wedding gown choices and other details. Although she did her consultations inside her bedroom, Marian overheard her laughing on the phone sometimes, calling Rose mom. It was painful, but Marian knew she had it coming.

Broken Promises (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora