Chapter 3 - The Revelation

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Hi guys, so sorry for not updating as quickly as I used to, still adjusting to my new job. But anyway, the story of Richard and Dei continues, as their relationship slowly grows into something more permanent. Richard is definitely smitten and does his best to find her and he does!

Hope you'll like this update, please let me know what you think and I always live for your comments. Thanks to everyone who's been very supportive so far, I hope you will like this story, even if it's not as light as Love, Anonymous, but I guarantee you, the fluff we all crave for is still there.

Enjoy the weekend lovies :)

November 2010

Four weeks after the encounter with RJ, Dei gave up on the possibility of seeing him again. It was a remote possibility anyway, all he had was her first name. She didn't remember telling him what school she went to, and although he knew where she lived, Dei already discouraged him from visiting her at home. So what options did he have left?

Stop hoping Dei. Stop setting yourself up for a disappointment. Even if you felt there was connection between you two, a substantial magnetic pull that you know he also felt. Even if every kiss you shared felt like a promise of a thousand tomorrows together. Even if it doesn't seem to make sense that he would let what you both started end just like that.

She should have given him her number, even if he didn't ask for it. She should have stopped worrying about acting easy and just gave him a means of finding her. Not even Facebook could help him find her. She couldn't stalk him either because she didn't get his full name. Pathetic, really.

She walked listlessly out of her building, out of the university grounds, deep in thought. He was always in her thoughts, it was getting to be tiresome. She never told any of her friends that she went to the college fair, too embarrassed to admit that she was there alone. So there was no one she could share her thoughts about RJ with.

She was so deep in thought that she bumped into someone standing in her way. A pair of strong hands caught her arms to steady her.

"Sorry," She mumbled without bothering to look at the owner of the hands still holding her. When she struggled to break free from his grasp, the hands tightened their hold on her all the more. Irritated, she looked up to lash out at her captor and came face to face with the very person who occupied her thoughts.

"Hey." He said softly, his vise-like grip turning into a caress. Their eyes met and held, he smiled at her lazily, his dimple deepening. She was tongue-tied all of a sudden, unprepared to face him head on in broad daylight.

How could someone with such smooth, almost poreless skin still look so male? His finely chiseled jawline was in perfect proportion with every feature of his face; from the beautiful symmetry of his soulful deep brown eyes, to his artistocratic nose, the wicked cupid's bow of his upper lip balanced off by the full lower lip, down to the stubborn chin with a slight cleft and day-old stubble.

Self-consciously, she put a hand up to her unruly hair, taming the wayward locks. He reached out to tuck a stray lock behind her ear, running the back of his index finger down her jaw.

"How did you find me?" She asked in wonder.

"I stalked you," he said proudly, laughing. "Creepy, huh?"

"No, flattering, actually," She said breathlessly, still in awe that he was in front of her. They fall into step together, he reaches for her backpack and carries it for her. It was such a familiar gesture, almost as though they were in a relationship.

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