Chapter 2- finily

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I went to breakfast and was so happy. There was Justin, just right there, and I could run over and sit by him. (Okay I must emit it, I like Justin and Joseph.)

I sat by them both. And Justin was giving me a signal that means ' Can I braid your hair'. I signed back yes, and showed him my two hair ties.

He said " elephants are blue, and Lilly Potter is a shoe" witch means 'I'll braid it in the common room.' Justin and I hurried up and ate our food.

I asked Justin "Witch dorm are we going in?"

Justin said "Your's of corce,"

We went up and he started to braid my hair. Then the question I've been waiting for my whole inter life came up "Will you go out with me?"

I had to be casual about this so I said it simple "Yes."

"Okay. How are you going to tell your brothers?"

"I won't?"

"Yes, but wouldn't it be weird to see us always together, and never apart?"

"They'll know before Christmas, my sisters will tell him."

"Oh no, we don't want to be late for uncle Scorpius's class."

"You have to call him proffeser Malfoy."

"I'll try."

Scrop teaches potions, and he lets me take out my book , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when I'm done with my potion.


When we where done with potions we had lunch, and my brothers sat down next to me, like they always did. And believe it or not asked me about Justin. They asked if I was dating him yet. I said flat out "no".


We ended the night with a good night hug, like always. And went to bed.


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Love y'all,

Guitargirl0710 <3

Sarah Potter 5th yearWhere stories live. Discover now