Poem 2:The Princess

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She sat in her tower room,
Weeping on her misfortune.
She was fed up, all gloomy and gray.
Locked up some where far far away.

Rememberd her childhood when she was in town,
In her huge palace room, with dresses and crowns.
How bad luck struck in broad day light,
When her father and mother broke into a fight.

Locked in her room she heard them shout,
Unable to understand,small as a sprout.
But picked out it was about a minister,
Or something about her mother's sister.

After a complete hour she broke into tears,
for the fight was bigger,with grown up fears.
As she heard a glass plate crash,
A pearl drop of tear ran down her eye lash.

She grew some courage and left her chamber,
Only to hear,'Go back in Amber!
Your father is angry,wild and mad,
He just killed a servents lad.'

And that was it, he was her only friend.
How could she imagine, this was his end.
She didn't wore her slippers, she didn't combed her hair,
Just ran ti her father, for he had done unfair.

'What are you doing , go back in Amber! '
'Cant you see?your father is boiling with anger.'
But her mother could be next so she ignored them all.
For once in her life she was not feeling small.

'Father, I know you are strong'
'But what you are doing is completly wrong'
Her father looked at her, blood in his eyes,
She got the hint, it was not ending up nice.

'How dare you, you punny little brat'
'Talked to me ,the king like that? '
'Im the king of this place first'
'And right now, I have a blood thirst'

With these few words he turned to her mother.
'You my dear will live no longer.'
And saying this he stabbed her chest.
'This is what you deserve you nasty pest.'

'No, father no!',princess Amber cried.
She shoke her mother,to wake her she tried.
But soon she knew she was asleep for ever,
And would wake up and talk to her never.

'How could you father you killed your wife'
Agresively she snached the knife.
'You are evil, I knew you were threat.'
She stabbed his heart and gave him death.

She pulled out the knifr only to face the magical gather,
The head fairy said,'princess Amber just killed her father,'
As she realised what she did,Amber hit her head in a pillar,
But it was not long before she said,'He was my mothers killer.'

'You are supposed to be elegant because you are a princess'
'The king could do whatever with her, she was his mistress.'
To clean and honor the dead king, they arranged some nurses,
As for the princess they prepared the worst of all curses.

'This little girl who was supposed to bloom into a flower,
Is not good enough for this honour, so must be locked up in a tower'
'She must be kept there for the end of the clock,
Or until a prince or knight pricks up the lock.'

She was locked up alone for years,
No one heard her cries and tears.
She grew up in a maiden, beautiful but lonley,
Who for company had sunlight only.

Slowly and slowly she gave uo on knights,
For such a mind,she feared no one will fight.
She also gave up on love one day,
She became a little strong then, many say.

Soon came that rebelous date,
When finally on her side,she had fate.
While she was fitting the curtains in proper socket,
She found a letter in the curtains pocket.

In a vert female handwritting the letter said,
That all relations were mere thread.
Which was wrapped around every women's neck,
For taming them every where, heven or heck.

'My dear daughter,I know you are in distress
And alsonthat your life is a complete mess.'
'But since my role as your mother was not very long,
I couldn't tell you how to be strong.'

But as you read your mother's ink,
Being a girl is not about wearing pink.
Nor it is about being drenched with tears,
Its rather about fighting your fears.

Face your problems dear,don't hide.
Or don't think of protection by a man's side.
Leave the armour, sword should be your choice,
Dint be meek,raise up you voice.

Life is yours and so are the rules,
Don't let your destiny be decided by fools.
Let the world know that this princess herself is the knight.
She is strong and brave, always ready to fight.


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