34 | Daddy Kink

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I then spent the rest of the morning wrapping it up in festive wrapping paper, as well as his card and the little dogtag necklace I'd gotten for him a while ago. It was simple and silver with a minimalist chain, yet Luke's face lit up once he unwrapped it as much as it did when he first saw the guitar.

He slipped it on almost immediately and I did the same for the ring. We shared a small moment, just soaking in each other's happiness before Corey tugged on his shirt, pointed at my ring and said, in the most innocent voice ever; "Uncle Yuke, are yew and Thopie gonna get married?"

Thankfully, I didn't have much time to be embarrassed, for Ashley let out a loud laugh on the other side of the room, slapping her leg and having to lean on Michael for support. "Not yet, kiddo. Give it like, a decade or so, or wait until your uncle actually grows some balls."

"Don't say that!" Ashton had scolded her, quickly yanking the little boy back and covering his ears with large hands. Then, with a hiss, "He's small! You can't be swearing around him!"

"What did I say?!"

"You said-" Ashton lowered his voice and gently pointed Corey's head down, making sure that he was momentarily blind as well as deaf. "You said the B word."

"What? Balls?"

"Ssh!" Ashton narrowed his eyes, and Ashley's own widened in surprise. "He's little! He probably doesn't even know what that word means!"

"It's not a swear!" Ashley argued, and all Michael could do to calm her down was pat her on the shoulder and explain why she should just let Ashton continue being Ashton. I laughed, and so did Luke, before he took Corey out of Ashton's arms and settled him on his lap.

About one week after that, and one week ago from now, I developed a burning fever. Apparently it was some nasty bug circling not just the neighbourhood, but the entire school, and it had the ability to be passed on by the simplest of actions. Luke didn't like this one bit, and frankly, neither did I- I was a coughing, sneezing, head-spinning mess that couldn't even stand straight, let alone do anything beyond the point of kissing.

Luke wrapped me up in a bunch of different blankets he'd found around the house, before laying me down on the bed and propping my head up with a pillow he slid a hot water bottle under. It was cute, despite the whole thing being a slight overreaction, but I couldn't move. Luke wouldn't let me move.

All I did was stand up, the pillows and blankets falling to the floor when, all of a sudden, I heard the sound of someone stumbling clumsily up the stairs.

Tripping over his own feet, having to cling onto the hand rail and almost accidentally banging into the wall in the process, Luke burst through the bedroom door with a frantic look on his face as he shouted a, "No! Go back to bed!". So, of course, I did, after a slight refusal and ultimately losing in the end.

I was trapped in the house for a whole three days, feeling awful for making Luke do stuff for me that I could have easily done myself. But it's not even like I was sick enough to the point where I couldn't function; he just thought I couldn't, and this became his main argument for whenever I wanted to go somewhere simple like across the road to my own home.

"Princesses don't work when they're sick," he scoffed, as I folded my arms stubbornly, frowning.

"I just need to check if the house is still okay," I huffed, and it wasn't necessarily a lie. I just didn't trust Chloe enough to be home on her own, despite her being a little over two years older than me. Knowing her, she'd invite a few of her guy-friends around and they'd trash the whole place- my room included.

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