"It's so beautiful." Woozi whispered in awe.

"Yeah it really is beautiful." I whispered back.

Woozi turned around and saw that I was looking at him instead of the sunset. His face began to turn as pink as his hair, which I found very adorable.

"Y-y-yah, I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about the view." Woozi stuttered.

"Yeah well, I think you are ten times more beautiful than the sunset." I stated.

Instead of replying Woozi just hid his face in the crook of my neck, which I found adorable that he was trying to hide his blush. We stayed for a few more hours then headed back home. Once we arrived at home we saw that all the members were watching a movie except for the few who has fallen asleep on the couch. We decided to watch the rest of the movie with them. As the credits of the film started rolling in, S. Coups turned off the tv saying he has something important to say.

"So today our manager has said that we are moving to a bigger dorm with 7 rooms. So we each can share a room with our lover and Dino finally gets his own room, where he is not surrounded by couples. Also we are moving tomorrow, so make sure you pack everything. The dorm is already furnished, and each room has a king size bed, but make sure you guys don't do anything nasty in the rooms." S. Coups explained.

"Finally, I get my own room!!!" Dino yelled excitedly.

Everyone just laughed at Dino's reaction of getting his own room. I was just happy I can finally have my own room that I share Woozi. Now no one can interrupt us when we make out. And I don't have to end up walking in on a couple making out in my room *cough* Jun and Minghao *cough*. After the quick chat with S. Coups we all headed to our room and packed all of our things. When I finished packing I headed to the Vocal Units room I saw that Woozi was still packing, since he had to pick his clothes, instruments and anything else he needed. So I helped him, and we finished packing after 30 minutes. I slept beside Woozi on his bed that night, since I was pretty exhausted to go back to my room.

The next morning everyone was rushing around, getting all their things into the moving truck, since all the boxes of our belongings won't fit in a van. As we were driving to our new dorm Woozi started to dose off and leaned his head on my shoulder. I just let him sleep, because I know that he tends to not sleep a lot and also tends to overwork himself. After 30 minutes we have arrived at our new dorm, or should I say house. Like oh my gosh, it was an actual house instead of a small dorm. I carefully picked up Woozi, instead of waking him up, and carried him to our room. Since all the rooms were the same S. Coups let us pick our own, but he made sure Dino got to choose which room he wanted.

Several hours later Woozi finally woke up and looked around counfused until he saw that I was also in the room unpacking our things. I felt small arms wrap around my waist, so I turned around and hugged Woozi back. 

"You wanna go and eat dinner with the others now? S.Coups and Jeonghan ordered some take out. Since Mingyu is too busy unpacking to cook."  I asked.

"Yeah sure, just let me go change into more comfortable clothes." Woozi replied.

So I sat on the bed waiting for him to finish changing. Once he was finished we headed down into the dining area where everyone was seated eating whatever S.Coups and Jeonghan ordered. We all chatted amongst ourselves, talking about how much we enjoy the house. Woozi and I ended up doing the dishes, because we felt bad that we didn't do much today. When we finished cleaning up it was around 9:00 and Woozi and I decided to go to bed. We both got ready to sleep then hopped into bed. Instead of laying down beside me, Woozi ended up laying on top of me. I just giggled when he jumped on me and pulled him closer.

"Hey there. Last time I checked I was sure that I was a human being and not a bed." I joked. Woozi just giggled.

"Well mister, maybe if you weren't so comfy I wouldn't have mistaken you for a bed." He teased.

We both ended up laughing at our own jokes and just stayed in that position.

"I love you, my little cutie pie." I cooed at Woozi. Woozi looked away blushing.

"I love you too Hosh." He whispered back before pulling me into a kiss.

I was so happy that he initiated the kiss, but sadly we had to pull away so that we can breathe. We both smiled at each other, before I pulled him closer and fell asleep with him in my arms.


||A/N hey guys. I hope you like this early morning update. Right now it is 6:30 in the morning and I usually update late at night, but since I finished writing this update early I decided to update the story before I left for school. So I hope you enjoy this update.||


Adore U || SoonhoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora