3rd Chapter : the strat of all

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---Narrator :

On the planet " Lumière" there are 22 royalty families, 2 of them rule over while the other 20 try  their best to marry one of the two most powerful families;

"The Sun kingdoms crown princes and the Moon Kingdom crown princesses."

Though the time the normal royal families were getting tired of being always the second place, so they decided that they would try to steel their crown, because the crown can only be used by the ones who are rulers more specifically the ones who have the crown blood, so they want it for they to chose new rulers for the planet, and so they did, by killing the true hair of the Sun and Moon kingdoms, the first born boys, big brother of Kaguya and big brother of Himiko.

But they did not realize that there is a reason that caused the world to accept the Sun & Moon Kingdoms -only- and it is their Alice's and blood, just their bodies have magic already, now their Alice's which are gifs from God, an their "special" blood.

Since the beginning of the"  Lumiére" planet all of them had special people as nowadays, but the differences started when the people started to decide who was from the royalty and who was not, the Royals had powers as anybody else, but they were able to use them anyway they wanted and the country people ha powers too but it was too difficult for them to have full control over them, even so there were commoners who managed magic pretty well.

So the royalty was abusing of the country people making them feel less, and that's when  the first guardians of the planet were chosen by The " Superior King " also called by others God. He chose 2 children's that were hated  by the royalty  because they were "half".
Being a half :
Royal- Country blood,  was seen as something bad something impure.

The boy was tall with white hair and strong green eyes with a moon born scar on his left hand, his skin was as white as the snow itself, other hand the girl had light brown hair, bright pink eyes with a born scar in form of a Sun and her skin had more color than her brother. Both of them with a heart of gold.

The Superior King chose them because they had the purest heart of them all, they were humble, braves, Joyful at all times and loved truly by heart and not because of status or money as the common Royal families, the whole planet was rich and peaceful, but trouble was there day and night and with the "guardian" stuff  people from all over the planet was making trouble so The King decided that the brother was going to recall his kingdom as the Moon kingdom and all of his descendants would have The Moon surname, and they would live in the North,  while The Sisters Kingdom would be called "The Sun Kingdom and all of the descendants of her would have the Sun surname, living on the South side of the planet; For last God gave the 2 Siblings special gifts such as the basics : spiritual, emotional, Natural, magical, Logical, of Taste, Material, Spacial, Musical, and  for last the "Alice", before them there was no Alice so they were the first of them all at feeling and living the power of "Alice ".

Then on...they were "loved " for two reasons:
1-because of their behavior and the way they rightfully ruled over the planet with values and love, hope and trust, friendship and kindness but with power and rectitude.
And 2- because of their powers, the royalty families tried to marry with their descendants so they could inherit the powers too.

Each royalty family had his or her own countries where they had their castles, big palaces filled with luxuries and lot of gold, some of the royals were pretty good people but others were.....trash.


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