"But you...sir...you,"she stammered and I cut her off.

"Never look at me," I roared.

She visibly shuddered and satisfaction coursed through my veins.

'Veins filled with her blood'

At the thought my eyes instantly flashed red. And I fought the urge to bite her.

"Never look at me.....Avery Jay", I whispered and she shivered. In the next instant I flashed away.

I liked the way her name felt coming from my lips.

Avery's POV

"Never look at me......Avery Jay", I shivered as his velvety whisper pronounced my name in the heavy accent of his.

I was paralyzed; frozen to the ground, unable to move. His words echoed through my mind and dread filled my insides. I wanted to gaze at him and it seemed to be a desire.

Images of his elongated canines piercing effortlessly through my skin and how he set his perfect lips against the crimson liquid would be embedded in my mind forever.

However he had left me standing and I was now alone with no one around.


It was the first thought my mind produced after I registered everybody's absence.

I twirled in a circle and gaped for a moment at the enormous building that stretched into the sky. And I was only seeing it from the side where the dungeon lay.

I started the concrete path down that seemed to go on a long way. I went faster and faster until I was in a full sprint as best as possible with my still bound hands and suddenly swerved off the path to the right direction that led to a thick mass of trees.

I was beginning to wonder if I would really make it into to the woods when suddenly a quiet voice stopped me,


Abruptly I stopped and swiveled around to see Flora standing behind me.

"How did you get out?", she spoke softly.

"I.....", she didn't let me finish.

"You can't leave," her voice remained soft

"What are you blabbering Flora," a second female voice sounded from behind me.

I turned around to see a beautiful girl emerge from the forest.

She had fair to very light skin with short white hair I stood and stared.

"Who's this?", she asked with a slight frown.

"Oh wait she's the bitten human right?" she said. I sighed and waited for her to mock me and throw me back into the dungeon.

She stepped closer and examined me openly.

"My name is Luna Christakos," she smiled and extended her hand.

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