Chapter 30

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"You didn't get gas?!" I scream. "Liam are you crazy?!"

"I thought I had enough!" He yells tugging at his hair. "Ugh!"

"We're stuck here." Niall mumbles hugging his knees. "We're going to die out here. It's getting dark and it's getting cold."

"For once I agree." Harry sighs rubbing his hands together.

" there any land that you can see?" I ask Liam. We've made our way to the front of the boat trying to see if there was anything we could see.

"No." He sighs. "I'm such a screwup."

"No you're not." I sigh. "True, we're out of gas in a boat in the middle of the water, but that doesn't make you a screw up. It could happen to anyone."

"You're not helping, sorry."

"It's fine. I'm sure we can figure something out."

"It really is getting cold." He shivers. "Bloody hell."

"Am I the only one who's actually wearing a jumper?"

"Towels." He gasps. "I have towels in the back."

He walks to back of the boat, moving Harry away, and lifts up the back seats.

"There's oars back here as well." He says pulling out towels and the oars. "This could help."

"Well yeah," Niall starts, wrapping a towel around himself. "but we still can't see where we would be going."

"V-Vicky..." Harry stutters. Oh god, the poor boy is shaking like crazy. I sit down next to him and wrap both of us in a towel.

"You keep him warm." Liam says handing Niall and oar. "We'll see what we can do with this."

"Don't want baby getting cold." Harry mumbles wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"I don't think it works like that." I chuckle softly.

"It never know."

"Just focus on keeping yourself warm. I'm fine."

"Naw, I couldn't do that." He smiles. "You're my number one priority."

"You should be your number one priority. I'm not the one who get tortured for an entire week."

"Eh." He shrugs. "Some things are worth getting tortured for."

"Deep." I chuckle.

"Well, we're not helping anything with this." Liam sighs, sitting down. "Anyone have a plan b?"

"Nope." I shake my head.

"I wish." Niall says sitting down. "I think we're just screwed."

"At least there's towels." I mumble. "That should at least keep us warm."

"Yeah." Niall sighs. "Ugh, this sucks."

"I'm really sorry guys." Liam frowns. "This is all my fault."

"Don't fret Liam." Harry says patting his shoulder. "It could have happened to anyone."

"Lets just try to sleep."

Annabelle's POV

That fucking douche. He fucking left. He left without me. What the fuck Harry? He left me here with these pissed off scary royal people. I can hear them yelling and I'm on the third floor hiding from them. I don't want to get hung or something because they're mad.

"Annabelle?" Mary's soft voice comes from the door and I look up.


"Is there anything I can get for you? I know this is a bad situation, but-"

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