Halloween Special

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Hey guys! I'm doing a Halloween themed chapter, it's dedicated to NikkiSmile66  for the idea. This takes place a couple months after they meet. Hope you enjoy!😊And Happy Halloween ☠️👻👽😈

Zaria's POV

I'm in a Halloween store with Akura-ou and he looks so confused. "So people dress up like youki? That doesn't make any sense."

I sighed. "There called demons, or evil spirits here, not youki, and it makes perfect sense." I shrugged my shoulders, lifting the shopping bag up a little.

"Really, how?" He stopped in front of me and put his hands on his hips. He looked at me with this hilarious look, I laughed. I tried to explain the whole thing. At least he seemed a little convinced at the end. I stopped at the isle with all the cosplay costumes. He took one look down the isle and pushed me. "Keep goin." I shook my head, sometimes he could be really stubborn.

While we were walking, I found the perfect costume. I grabbed it really quick so he wouldn't see me. "Hey, Akura, I found a costume. I'm gonna go try it on, wanna come?" He looked like he was debating it.

"Sure." He finally said.

Later~in the changing room

I'm standing in front of the mirror. I love this costume. A demon bull. It kinda looks like a evil female version of Taurus from Fairy Tail. The costume consists of a tight, black leather shirt that comes just above my belly button. It has no straps or sleeves, instead, it has silver cuffs that go around my arm. The bottom is a skirt that reaches just in the middle of my thighs. It's made of the same material as the top, but has studs. It's attached to the shirt with two leather straps that clip onto the bottom of the shirt. There are cowhide leg warmers and it comes with black horns and a scarlet wig. To complete the look, a bull nose ring. With the whole outfit on, even the wig, horns, and nose ring, I steep out of the changing room.

He's leaning on a pillar, but when I walk out, he almost falls down. "So, what do you think?" I swear I'm blushing.

"I...it...y..you..look...a..amazing." Was it just my imagination, or was he stuttering?

"So, do you think I should get it?"

"Yeah, definitely. I mean, sure, if you want."

"What about you? What costume are you getting?"

"Well, I actually already have one."

"Oh, okay."

Later, later that day~at a Halloween party

To think he went in his demon form! But, it does suit him. And it makes it look like we have matching costumes, so....I wander around the old abandoned mansion, music blasting and the smell of alcohol strong in the air. Bodies press up against each other, dancing to the beat of the music, makes it even harder to navigate this place. I got separated from Akura-ou a while ago. I haven't been able to find him. I venture up stairs, the sound of the music fading the further I climb. I finally reach the second story landing. I walk down the abandoned hallway, wondering what it would of been like to live here. It's pitch black, with barely enough moonlight shining through the windows to illuminate a couple of inches in front of me. I think I see a figure move in the shadows, I tense up. Relax Zaria, it's just your imagination playing tricks on you.

I walk into a room, marking sure to leave the door open. I walk into the middle of the room, it's completely bare. I'm barely able to see. It's kinda creepy in here. The door suddenly shuts, but there's no draft in the room, and I certainly didn't shut it, I'm to far away. I'm starting to get scared. "Akura-ou, is that you? Stop it, your scaring me." My voice shakes, and I start to shiver, a wrap my arms around my exposed body. The room suddenly dropped in temperature. I take a few steps in front of me, and run into something. That's strange, when there was light, I didn't see anything in this room, it was empty. I stick my hands out in front of me, feeling for what I ran into, but there was nothing there. "Okay Akura-ou, funny. Real funny, but jokes over." My voice is shaking even more now. There's no response. I feel a freezing cold hand clasp my shoulder. The hand tightens. I scream.

Akura-ou's POV

I'm looking for Zaria, I can't believe I got separated from her! I take a drink of punch, which tastes a little off (it's spiked,lol) and I suddenly hear a scream. It sounded like it came from up stairs. I look around, no one else seems to have heard it. It's probably just your imagination. But then I hear it again. Wait, I know that scream! It's Zaria! My cup falls from my hand as I race to the stairwell. I come to the foot of the stairs, but don't stop, I keep running, up and up, closer and closer to her. I hope she's alright. I'm running so fast, I didn't notice the wet streaks running down my cheeks. Am I, crying?

I reach the landing, and immediately start searching for her. The third room I check, there she is, but she's not alone. A youki is with her. The raven youki Shiki. (Sorry guys, I just love Dance With Devils!) "Hey Akura-ou, long time no see! You know, Mage and Rem misses you!" He spoke in a sing-song voice. I growled, and spit on the floor. Zaria was tied up in the far corner of the room, bloodied, bruised, and beaten. She was facing us, so she was about to see the whole fight.

"What are you doing here, Shiki!?"

"Oh, you know, this and that. Stuff." I was about to lose my patience.

"You a**hole!! What do you want with Zaria!" I bared my teeth, which were now as sharp as knifes.

"Calm down man, I mean her no harm. Its you I want!!" Shiki's wings emerged from his back, his black, fallen angel wings. What makes him look more demonic than angelic, would have to be his two sets of wings, and his red, bright crimson eyes.

Third person POV

Shiki jumps into the air, sending razor sharp feathers raining down onto Akura-ou. Akura jumps out of the way just in time, the feathers zipping past his face. "Looks like you've gotten slow, brother!" Shiki states. Akura growls. He pulls a katana out from his jacket. "Oh, so now you're getting serious!" Akura swung his blade in Shiki's direction. Shiki barely made it, getting by with a deep slash on his arm. "Shit!" Shiki screamed. Akura only looked more enraged. The whole time, Zaria was sitting in the background, watching the whole fight unravel. Shiki sent down more feathers, but this time Akura blocked them with his sword. Shiki was rapidly losing blood, he was turning pale. Akura slid between Shiki's legs, coming up behind him. He readied his katana, his elbow drawn back, one hand on the hilt of his sword. This stance was meant to give the sword an extra boost of strength, as Akura would drive it through Shiki's chest. Right before Akura strikes, Shiki turns around. His purple hair covering his right eye, the rest of his hair matted with blood, sticking to his forehead. Crimson blood flowing from a fresh wound somewhere on his head. In that one instant, Akura felt pity for his 'brother', but then he looked over at Zaria, her once shining, now dull eyes. He looked back at his brother, his red eyes beating, almost saying 'I'm sorry', or 'please, don't hurt me!' Akura drove his katana into Shiki's chest, deep into it. Blood squirted everywhere, its splatters the floor, Akura's clothing, and even as far as Zaria's face. Shiki was shocked though, to find out that his so called 'brother' didn't pierce his heart, but in fact his shoulder, only mere inches away from his lungs. Akura leaned in towards Shiki and he spoke to where Zaria could not hear him, "Leave this place now, and don't show your face ever again! I only spared your life because your my brother, I love you, but what you did to Zaria is unforgivable. Now leave." He drew his sword from Shiki's chest. "Sumima sen." Shiki spoke, then disappeared in a cloud of purple and black fog.

Akura-ou rushed over to Zaria. "Are you okay?" He untied her and she collapsed into his arms. She looped her arms around his neck, and she started to cry. He hugged her close. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you." He spoke. He felt guilty for all the things that had happened to her. He leaned into her ear and whispered "Happy Halloween." She couldn't help but laugh.

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