The One with Jealousy

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Author's Note: Much as I would like to I do not own Ruiwen coz if I did they'd be on their honeymoon in Maldives right about now.

"Quit pouting...."

"I'll pout when I want to...thank you very much!" the snappish remark was punctuated by the slamming of the bathroom door.

Wang Bowen, known as Xiao Bai to most friends and family but Baobao to him (and their fans) stomped angrily to the bathroom counter running aimless hands over all the beauty products left there earlier when they were in a hurry to tidy up.

"Come on Xiao Bai, let's talk about this, okay?"

"Talk about what? How you come across as a jealous boyfriend when that poor guy tried to shake my hand?Wasn't it you who adviced me to keep things in the down low?Now you give them this?"

"I was was just..."came the stuttering reply, apparently at loss of adequate words to explain his unwarranted actions.

"What?A joke???You think that we have is a laughing matter?" was the agressive volley of the younger man.

"No of course could you even think...where is all of these coming from, Bowen?"

Xiao Bai suddenly slumped down on the nearest chair

"I...I dont actually know...I'm just tired I guess...and scared...." was the almost inaudible reply of a visibly defeated-looking Bowen.

"Tired I understand...with all the running around that we've been doing...especially you...but scared of what?" 

"That we're doing something that would gradually drive us apart...that our career would force us to choose...and I can't do that...I just can't..."

"It won't come to that...I won't let it know that baobei...."

"Even now...they're looking at us...they're not pleased with our Shanghai meet...they think we're too...close."

"Well fuckkk them...I dont rise or fall on by another person's bigoted opinion..."Meng Rui seized his shoulder  and holding it steady, staring at him intently..."we do what we think is right...we give 101% of our efforts in whatever we do...we enjoy doing what we love...and just let them nit-pick everything to their hearts content...but we will never compromise because we're not doing anything wrong!"

Bowen stared at the passionate face of the man he has come to care about more than anyone in his life. Meng Rui is usually the voice of reason, the calm harbor in the storm-tossed sea but he is looking at a man who is so full of conviction, so passionate about something he truly believes in.

"...and not joking when I turned that fanboy away...because I don't want to see another guy holding you."

"You don't think that I would ever...

"No, no, no...I know you're always constant...but they don't, do they?"

"So you want me to turn them away?"

"Of course do I explain this...damn it...I know I don't make sense...but I'm just so crazy about you that...." Rui trailed off at Bowen's sudden intake of breath.

"You...did you just..."

"What...why are you so surprised?What do you think all of these are?What all of these mean?Haven't I shown my love for you each and everytime I touch and hold you?Do you still need...." Rui trailed off as Xiao Bai suddenly pulled him close.

"Meng Rui,you talk too much!Would you just shut up and kiss me!"

" you wish."

The End (for now)

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