A dangerous road to recovery

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Cameo by Louise Brealey as the physiotherapist.
A few weeks later:
"I'm astounded! He's hardly been comin here a few weeks an' he's already showin a lotta improvement." his physiotherapist exclaimed proudly, as Matt took a few steps without any support. Martin seemed equally proud of his determined brother and Alice was smiling ear to ear. "I feel like jumpin about an' dancin around...An' so much more! " he exclaimed victoriously, flashing the trio a toothy grin. "Well, right now, let's just stick to a few steps." the physiotherapist advised, before jotting something down in her clipboard.

"Wow! The miracle of physiotherapy, eh? An' ya said it was bloody useless!" an impressed Martin reminded his brother teasingly, as they walked back to the car. "In my defense, I was depressed when I said that." Matt defended himself, as he sat in the backseat and buckled up. Deirdre, who'd driven them there, helped Martin to fold up Matt's wheelchair and since he no longer needed it, they carried it and put it in the trunk of her car. He was just about to follow her into the car, when Alice stopped him. "Martin....I've to tell you somethin....I, uh...injected him with the serum a few days ago ....so, uh...technically it's not the miracle of physiotherapy, but of my serum! " she confessed, beaming with pride over her success.

 "Wait....Ya did what?! After, I warned ya against it?! " he cried out in disbelief, pulling her aside. "If you were in my place, you'd do the same thing....wouldn't you? " she asked, in a bid to calm him down. "No...I would've tested it first on someone other than on a loved one. Ya might be bloody proud that yer serum worked an' that he's showin signs o' improvement, but I don't trust it, Alice. What if somethin goes wrong? " he demanded to know. "We'll keep him under observation, then. But, I've full faith in it. He'll be fine. Believe me." she assured, in a calm and confident manner. But, he was still not satisfied with her assurance. "Hey, you two! We're gettin late! We've gotta drop him off home before we head back to the lab." Deirdre called out from the car, interrupting them. As he took his place in the backseat next to Matt, he could not help glancing at the needle mark which was still slightly visible on his arm and worrying about the side effects...if any.

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