Working side by side

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"Dude, ya could try to show up punctually for once." Alice scolded, as her brother in law finally showed up at the lab. "I don't have to conform to the vagaries o' time an' space, ya know? " he boasted, coolly. "Here are your samples, Dr. Wartenberg." she said as she set down the box of vials on the table next to the old man who was busy jotting down something in his old torn diary. "I'll start centrifuging the samples, Dr. Wartenberg." she whispered, not wanting to disturb him, while he waved her off. "You know, I don't expect much outta you Americans...." she heard him confess in his usual gruff voice. 

"Aww...great! The bashing o' the Americans began early today, eh? " Martin interrupted sarcastically, as he pulled on his gloves and picked up a sponge. "....but, astound me, Dr. Evanston. You are a brilliant young lady." he praised, ignoring Martin. "Thank you, Dr. Wartenberg." she thanked, blushing with pride. "I can't say the same about him though." the elderly scientist muttered, glaring at Martin who was busy scrubbing the Petri dishes at a nearby sink. "Well, I don't consider myself as a brilliant young lady either, doctor! " he retorted jokingly on overhearing his comment, before proceeding to calmly whistle the Doctor Who theme as he worked. His amused sister in law suppressed a chuckle.

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