Chapter 12 (Erens Route Pt.2)

Depuis le début

"Yes, commander." you hesitantly salute and walk off into the yard of the fortress. Eren, Jean, Armin, and Marco and a few other cadets were in the back as well on cleaning duty. you decide to keep distance and remain in the shade by the wall while waiting for further instructions by the Captain when he arrived.

Jean and Marco were off in the distance walking around, Armin decides to join them in their conversation, Eren who finishes talking to Armin, looks around and notices you.

"(f/n)!! hey! your on cleaning duty too!!" Eren runs up to you. As happy as you felt to see his rare, cheery bright face (which he only seems to express towards you the most) you look down, trying to ignore his call.

Eren swiftly walks up to you, softly grabbing your hand in secrecy and wrapping one arm around you, his face pressed into your neck as he hugged you. He gave a small delicate kiss on your neck and lifted his face, your head still remained down, not saying anything.

Erens look became more serious as he stared at you, he quickly became more troubled by your behavior. his hand still holding onto yours as he watches your paralyzed body not react to his warm kiss, or his voice.

"(f/n)..hey..hey" he looks down to your face, trying to catch your expression. As he moved one hand to lift your chin, You slowly look up, your face full of held back tears. Your mouth expressing such sadness, as if you couldn't even open it to speak.

"E..Er..en" was all that would come out of your voice. He looked in horror as he watched you fight back such a painful look.

He quickly grabbed your hand and lead you to a tree that hid the two of you from the others. He leaned against the tree and pulled you into him. His warm lean hands tangle themselves in your hair as he lowers his face and rubs his forehead onto yours. your noses touching as he moved. His eyes giving a troubled look as he watched your tears fall.

"(f/n)..please tell me, are you okay? did something wrong?" Eren's voice started to run short of breath as he spoke. His hands rubbing the back of your head slowly as he continued slowly moving his face with yours.

"Eren..I can't be seen with you..anymore..Captian Levi..found out..*sniffle* he told me to stay away from you..that i was being stupid..and he warned me to stay" tears kept falling as you softly tried to get out what you want eren to know.

Eren swiftly turns your back against the tree, his hands held your cheeks tenderly and his lips began to gently kiss your cheeks. kissing the tears away and moving from your cheeks to your nose, then he hesitantly comes inches from kissing your lips. "(f/n)..(f/n)..(f..n).." his voice trails off saying your name softly and quietly, making it so only you could hear him speak this way. you softly grab the collar of his jacket and lean into him, trying to fight this feeling of fear and defeat. Eren presses his head against yours and whispers to you.

"I love you..i've missed you so much..i will keep my promise tonight, no matter what happens, don't be scared of anyone. you're beautiful inside and out. Don't let anyone take that from you, share that, only with me..please, don't let anyone else have you like i do now..I'll protect you so don't be scared..'kay?"

Eren's voice was so calm and sincere..

You give a small nod and place your head onto his chest, you weakly lift your arms up to Eren's back gripping onto his jacket, and hug him as tight as you can. As if it was the last hug you would ever give him.


--"All cadets Report!!" Hanji's voice echoed throughout the field as she called. Eren quickly looks up holding your head as you are buried into his chest. carefully cups your face, wiping away tears and giving a small kiss on your nose.

Do I scare you..or do They (Eren x Reader x ...) *LEMON*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant