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He watches over us.  Judging us! We are a reflection of him and because of that, he wants us to be the best.  Yet, even the best of us are not worthy of him.  The thirteen that get to spend time with him, make him sick and yet they are closer to him than we are.  We are just ants, hoping to find a crumb he dropped.

He taught us we were either hunters or prey.  But a hunter is not safe from being prey because in life there is always someone more powerful looking for more.  So we stay vigilant and we take out anyone that stands in our way.  But The Society will protect its own so the hunters better be careful.  Biding one's time until the hunt.

The hunt happens one night a year.  Before members of The Society bring tribute to him and he along with the thirteen have fun for a month with the tribute.  Those that break are sent back to the giver to dispose of and find a replacement. Those that survive are prepared for the hunt. However, he feels a person gets more power in this month turning someone who is innocent into a hunter.  You think that you can't be turned.  That you are too good.  Society has molded you well but when you are a prisoner, that may not hold true.

I was once a normal person.  But he made me something more.  I love the screams of my victims when my knife cuts through the flesh, the feel of their blood on my hands, and the taste of their hearts as I take in the power I get from them.  He set me free.

He is my God and I worship at his feet.  I will kill in honor of him.  I will hunt those he wishes me to and I will die for him.  Because he is honest.  I am just a humble hunter that came to be in the moment that I realized as my wife curled up in our cage that being weak and pathetic was not for me.  I gave her to him.  I cut her heart from her body and I offered it to him.  I got off on the fact that he allowed me to eat it.  To take in the power of her soul.  I laughed at the fact that she thought I would take yet another torture session for her.  I gave her my food and drink.  I survived hours of torture and I didn't break.  She broke quickly.  She cried and screamed.  She curled up into herself and became a pathetic shell.  So I did what was best.  I took the dull knife I found and I slowly tortured her.  I got off on her screams.  Got excited by the blood.  And climaxed as I cut her heart from her.  It earned me a toolkit from my God and an invitation to be a hunter in the annual hunt.  I would be given a new life if I survived the night.  He'd let the others teach me.

I was born again that night.  Each life I took, I felt more godlike.  I craved blood.  I ate my fill of hearts that night.  I bathed in the blood of these weak creatures.  I laughed as they cried.  As they told me how they had hope that they'd see their families again.  I promised to visit them one day, to take more of their soul from this earth.  I went through the process over and over.  It was better than sex.  It was life-changing.

Each month I practice for this hunt.  And now I am prepared for my final one.  After today I will prove to him that I should be in the thirteen.  I will gain a place at his side.  Killing with him instead of for him.  Tonight I will kill both hunters and prey.  I will take out as many people as I can to make sure that everyone knows that he is right.  We hunters can also be prey.  In this life we are nothing.  We make ourselves into something.  Hunters that get comfortable make mistakes and put The Society at risk.  So I will teach them and in doing so show him that they were no longer worthy of being with him.

I itch to take my knife to them.  To make them scream.  I will invite prey to play with the hunters.  Turn some into me.  Lay them at his feet as new servants to do what he wants.  I will fight to become his right hand while covered in the blood of these weaklings.

I have stalked them for months.  I sat in the attic of John.  I watched him each day.  I played with his head and poisoned his food so I could see how he would take it.  He is twitchy now.  Worse than prey.  He cried last night.  Like a child, he cried as the pain the poison caused him got worse.

I became disgusted with him. I felt like killing him early but it wouldn't help me.  He would not see it and I would not have a place in the thirteen.  John makes me sick.  He was like my wife.  So pathetic.  I cannot wait to eat his heart.  His torture will last a few hours.  He is one of the best or was before I messed with him.  But I will follow him in the woods until I get him into my cave.  Once there I will play with him and sixteen others for several hours.  Once I'm through, I will take the kills of others by killing the hunters.

One day, I'll be like him.  A God!  Maybe I will take his place when he chooses to leave.  Until then I will be his shadow.  Taste the blood of his victims as a guest of his. 

I am excited.  Hungry for a kill.  Itching for the power I get.

So I invited you to join me tonight.  To join us in the hunt.  To taste the blood, to feel the pain, to hear the screams, to gain the power, to stalk the prey.  I invite you to become a hunter because The Society is out there waiting for weak people to cross their paths so they can do what they do best.  By the time you see us, it will be too late.  The only way you can live is to join us.  Join the hunt!  Kill your prey.  Ascend to greatness and catch his eye.  But I warn you, I will not let you become weak.  I will not let you get comfortable because I am a true hunter and if you let your guard down, I will cut your heart out and eat it.

I bet you thought I would describe the hunt to you.  The way the heart beats in anticipation as you stalk your prey.  How the cool air wakes you up when you have hunted for sixteen hours.  The way we hang our prey from the trees as a sign to Him that we are doing what he wishes.  But we are killers.  We live next door to you.  We work with you.  We eat at restaurants with you.  I don't need to describe the hunt to you because he's coming for you soon.  I'm offering you the chance to become better than what you are.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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