Secrets Revealed

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The morning had brought an interesting surprise to Double D. There was a knock at his door. In his doorway stood his mom. "Eddward, your friends are here." Eddy and Ed entered. Double D was confused, they're never awake at this time.

"Hey, fellas? You're up early."

"Ehh we thought we'd hang with our favorite Sockhead. Right Ed?"

Ed looks very tired. As if Eddy had dragged him out of bed too. "Yeah Double D. You got any coffee?" he yawned.

Ed suffered from insomnia fueled by night terrors. The sleeping pills his doctor prescribed made him feel very tired and groggy. Coffee had made life a little easier for him.

"Oh, yeah. I'll start on that after I get up more," answered Double D. He dragged himself out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Ed and Eddy followed him. "So why are you guys here so early?"

"Yeah why are we, Eddy?" asked Ed

"Well, I have an idea for our first big scam of the year," blurted Eddy.

Ed and Double D look at each other then back at Eddy. All of his "big scams" lead to trouble.

"Um, Eddy?" said Double D.

"What's up sockhead?" he replied.

"Are you sure this plan is going to work out and not end like the rest?" Eddy raises his voice, "Of course it is, Sockhead! This is most genius idea I've ever had!"

Ed and Double D look at Eddy in denial. He glares back at them, "C'mon guys. At least have a little faith in me, please."

Ed questions, "How can we have faith in you if we don't even know what you're planning?"

"I'm afraid Ed has a point. How can we trust that your plan is going to work if you haven't told us?"

"I'll tell you in due time, but please trust me on this one," Eddy attempts to reassure them, "Alright fine I'll tell you part of the plan. Rolf said he'd loan us his barn for a night and we have a choice of either a party or movie night."

"Um Eddy?" asked Ed, "How are we going to make money off this?"

"Ugh just get your asses ready to go to Rolf's." They do just that... after a quick breakfast.

The Eds finish up their breakfast and head out. As they leave, Double D gets a text. Hey it's Marie. He starts blushing recalling what had happened the previous day. He texts her back. Good morning, Marie :)

Are we still meeting up today? She asked. She sends another message, If so it'll have to be after 2:30. She sends one more, I have to clean :/

He answers, Yeah sounds cool. By the tree right?

Duuuuhhhh cx, she answers.

They continue to text until the Eds get to Rolf's barn. "Ah, the Ed boys have arrived. Come in," greets Rolf. The three walk through the door. "Thanks for letting us use the place, man," says Eddy.

"It was no trouble at all. Just as long as I get some of money you acquire," he laughs, "Also, have you decided if you are having a night of the movies or a party?"

"Well we thought we'd come here first and see what we're working with."

"Ah okay carry on."

The boys look around. "So fellas where do we start?" asks Eddy. Double D and Ed think. "Well first off we need a date. That way we know how much time is on our hands," answers Double D. The remaining Eds agree. "I say we plan for next Saturday," suggest Eddy. Double D and Ed both say, "Can't. I'm busy." They all look at each other. Eddy angrily asks, "How are you two losers busy?"

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