The Question

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He makes it to the cul-de-sac before his mom. 'Yes! I'm home free!' He approaches his house. Right before he is about to enter the comfort of his home, he hears Ed and Eddy calling his name frantically, "DOUBLE D!!!! Double D help us!"

He holds the door open for them. They run inside. "What's wrong? What happened to you guys?" he asks. Ed and Eddy are trying to catch their breath. "Double D," pants Eddy, "Please get us some water. We're dying." Double D runs to the kitchen and grabs three glasses of water. He hands Ed and Eddy their water and asks, "So what happened?"

Eddy looks up. "Gee Double D, I don't know. Why didn't you answer us? We tried calling and texting you. What the Hell man?" Double D reaches into his pocket to check his phone. He saw that he had seven text messages from Eddy and ten missed calls. Eight from Eddy and two from his mom. "Oh dear, I must have had my phone on silent."

"Yeah asshole! What were you doing anyways?" replies Eddy. Double D thinks for a moment. 'Should I tell the guys I was with Marie?' "Uhhhh...I was taking a nature walk. Yeah that's it. A nature walk." Ed and Eddy look at him. Ed asks, "You still take nature walks?" That was a stupid question to ask.

"Yes. You, of all people, should know I love studying nature."

"He's a brainiac, Ed," remarks Eddy, "Let it go." Ed drops the subject.

The three boys drink about five more glasses of water before Eddy tells Double D what happened. "Okay Double D, while you were out on your nerd walk, Ed and I were at that burger place that just opened up. We were there all cool and everything until they appeared." Double D's eyes widen. The Eds had code names for pretty much everything. They was code name for the Kanker sisters. "The Kankers?" Double D said, almost surprised. Ed and Eddy went on to complain about them. Double D, however, couldn't complain. His mind was still focused on the afternoon with Marie.

Ed looks at the time. The clock on the wall reads six fifteen. "Sorry guys," he says, "I really have to get home. See you tomorrow." Eddy and Double D wave goodbye as Ed walks out the door. "I think I'm gonna stay awhile. I've got nothing better to do," Eddy remarks.

Double D rolls his eyes and very sarcastically says, "Gee thanks, Eddy. I feel special."

Eddy smirks, "What can I say? You're one special sockhead." He pulls out his phone to check all his social media accounts. Eddy was a social media addict. He was constantly checking Facebook and Instagram. "Whoa, Double D!" he exclaims. Double D looks up, "Yes Eddy?"

"Check this out." Eddy hands his phone to him. When he looks, all he sees is some girl in her bra. "Eddy, why are you showing me this?" he said, repulsed by what he just saw. Double D wasn't really into the things that Eddy was into. Especially not sex. He was the type of guy who liked people for their mind. Not for their bodies. "Oh lighten up will ya sockhead. It's not like she's naked."

"Eddy, I just think it's wrong for people to post up pictures like that. Women should respect themselves. Not have half naked pictures up all over the internet." Eddy ignored him. "Yeah, Yeah whatever. I gotta save this for later."

Double D rolls his eyes, 'Typical Eddy.' He loved his friend, but he hated some of the things he did. In a way, Double D almost felt sorry for Eddy.

The time is now six thirty. Double D's mom hasn't come home. "Eddy, don't you think you should--" he was cut off by the ringing of Eddy's phone. "What?" he answers. It was his dad on the phone. "Yes, dad, I know," he pauses. Double D could hear his dad yelling at him over the phone. This goes on for a good ten minutes. Finally Eddy says, "Alright I'll be home in five minutes," he hung up the phone, "I gotta go, Double D. See ya tomorrow."

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