Shocking News

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The Eds meet up after first period and head towards their lockers. "Man that class was boring," blurted Eddy, "right Ed?"
"Uh yeah. That class was horrible," added Ed.
"So sockhead, how was Geometry or whatever?" Should he mention Marie? Should he mention the fact that he has to sit next to her for an entire semester? "Hey, Double D. I'm talking to you," says Eddy impatiently.
Double D answers, "Oh sorry Eddy I didn't hear you. Well it was pretty interesting. We basically talked the whole period."
"Lucky. Me and Lumpy over here already have homework." Eddy was infuriated. "Oh well is it book work?"
Ed answers this time, "Yeah. 30 problems of letters added by numbers." Double D glances back at Eddy, "That's it? Simple adding? You guys should be able to get it done in ten minutes."
"But this stuff is all new to me. I never paid attention last year."
"Tisk tisk, Eddy if you start the year slacking you're gonna have to repeat algebra again."

The three approach their lockers. Double D can't seem to get his mind off of Marie. He's never thought about anyone this much. "It's like she has some hold on me," he says under his breath. Ed hears him and asks, "Who has a hold on you, Double D?"
Double D looks up with a red face. 'Did I say that out loud?' Ed was still staring at him. Double D nervously says, "N-no one, E-Ed. Just thinking of lyrics to a song."
'Oh what stupid lie!'
"Oh okay then. Carry on," replies Ed. Double D was relieved.

Eddy pulls out his schedule. He frowns and complains about his next class. "This is just great!"
Double D and Ed look at their angered friend. "What is Eddy?" they ask simultaneously. Eddy responds, "Not only do I have algebra 1, I've got skill builders math. This is bull!"
"Well you should've studied harder," said Ed.

"At least you're in that class too, right Ed?"

"No I'm not. I didn't do as bad as you," he replies. Eddy and Double D look at him in shock
"Ed, you don't have that class? But Eddy does?" asks Double D.
Eddy angrily grabs Ed's schedule out of his hands. He examines it carefully. "Hey, sockhead come look at this." He moves closer to Double D. Double D looks at the paper in Eddy's hands. They both look back at Ed. "Well Ed, I'm proud of you," Double D began, "In fact, I'll buy you an--"

"Move it dorks!" Kevin pushes the three boys. A group of football players follow him. Double D falls on the ground. He tries to get back up, but some of the football players push him back down. Ed and Eddy help him up. Eddy shouts back at Kevin, "Hey, asshole. Didn't you see us standing here?"

Kevin looks back at the three boys. "Yeah so? It's not like you dorks are gonna do anything about it," mocked Kevin. He wasn't wrong. The Eds couldn't do anything except take it. The jocks walk off.

The guys help Double D up. "Thank you guys for trying to help, but there is literally nothing we can do," said Double D. Eddy was infuriated. He's always wanted to do something when the gang had been picked on as children. He wasn't going to take it anymore. "I swear one day I'm going get those jocks. I won't be pushed around by a walking sausage fest in high school," plots Eddy. The others ignore him. Double D doesn't care about what just happened. His mind was still fixed on Marie. 'Maybe this will pass.' He opens his locker to get his folder. It falls to ground. Ed and Eddy look at it and notice something odd. Eddy picks it up. "Hey sockhead," he begins, "Why are there ponies on your folder?"

Double D turns red. He couldn't lie to try and cover it up. He was caught. His big secret was out. "Well guys, I guess the truth comes out," he sighs, "I'm a brony." He was ready to die. 'I've never so embarrassed...' He had gotten into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic over the summer while he had spent time with his little cousin in San Francisco. He wasn't too thrilled about watching it either, but he loved his cousin to death. So he watched it with her and naturally, he was hooked.

Double had tried to keep it secret, but now that the truth was out he had to face the torment that came with being a brony. "So you mean to tell me that you like a show for six-year-olds?" questions Eddy. "This is too rich!" He and Ed are laughing hysterically at the beanie-wearing boy. "Oh don't worry Double D," states Ed, "your secret is safe with us."

"Lumpy's right. Although, we're never gonna let this go." Eddy was laughing so hard that he couldn't stand anymore. "Laugh if you must, but please don't tell anyone that I like MLP," Double D pleaded. He couldn't bare the ridicule from his peers. "Ah don't worry about it," said Eddy.

"Like we said, your secret is safe with us," finished Ed.

"Thanks fellas. I really appreciate it," said Double D. A sense of relief rushed through him knowing his secret was safe. He was grateful that he had friends like Ed and Eddy.

The three boys wrap up their conversations when they hear the same familiar voices behind them. "Well well well, look girls, our lockers are right across from our boyfriends," says Lee. Their stomachs drop. "KANKERS!" they all scream and attempt to run, but they were blocked by the three girls. Each girl moves closer to their love interest so they can't escape. Fortunately, the Eds manage to escape. They run down the halls with the girls chasing them. "Hey guys," huffs Eddy, "we need to split up. It's the only way to," he huffs again, "lose them."

"I hate to say it, but you right, Eddy," agrees Double D.

"On three we go.!" Eddy and Double D head in opposite directions. Ed is moving down the hall when May catches up to him. The blonde haired girl jumps on his back and brings him to the ground. Eddy goes to the direction of the gym. He was running fast, but not fast enough. As he gets to the double doors of the gym, Lee trips him. She picks him up by the shirt collar and drags him outside to back of the school where the smokers and couples go to ditch. Double D is more fortunate. He manages to run to library where it's safe.

He tries to hide in the nonfiction section. He thinks he has lost Marie. 'Why am I running from her?' he questions, 'Marie isn't scary or anything. Maybe I'm just an idiot.' He backs into a shelf. "Found ya," whispers a familiar voice. Double D turns around to see Marie behind him. "AH! Marie. H-hello." Double D's heart starts beating faster as Marie inches closer and closer to him. Pinning him up against the shelf. "Hey handsome," she says in a seductive voice. He tenses up. Marie is now in his personal space. "Uhhh...Marie. You're in my personal space," he nervously says.

"You know you like it," she replies. She wasn't lying. He really did like it.

He looks into her eyes then at her lips. For some reason, he really wanted to kiss her, but at the same time he was scared. "You know you don't have to be afraid of me right?" she tells him. He nods. His voice is lost. The blue haired girl leans in and tries to kiss him. 'Is she really going to kiss me? Or is she just teasing me?' Part of him really wanted her to do it. She's getting closer. He's shaking. Marie is aiming for his lips, but kisses his cheek instead. The bell rings. "Ah shoot! I'm gonna be late," she says in a hurry "Bye Double D."

"Goodbye," he said looking back at her in a daze. Double D snaps back to the world around him. The minute bell rings. "Oh no. I'm late." He quickly walks to his next class.

N/A: I am extremely sorry for the lag. I've just been so busy and stuff I haven't had time to write. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also I would like to thank my friend no_common_sense for proof reading this.

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