"If she would have listened to me and respected how I felt then she wouldn't have gotten hurt at all."

"How do you feel...now that you've admitted how you really felt?"

"To be real I feel like shit... I don't want my wife to hurt no more man.. She's had a whole lot of hurt done to her for a person who's never hurt nobody.. Me saying that out loud don't make me feel no better... She was in that mind set because of me fucking up the first time...

I was gone for 9 months that time, she was living and making decisions as a single woman ...so it was my own fault for fucking up the first time that had her acting like she was when this incident happened."

"I didn't get you to say that out loud to make you feel better, Keyah needed to hear that and now that she has she can now speak freely and honest about what she just heard."

"Nova baby I didn't realize I was acting like that but now that I've heard it I can see what you mean.. The day of the incident , when we went to the hospital I made up my mind before we even got home that I was done dealing with Sia .. I knew in that moment at the hospital when they told me she checked herself out that you were right.

Hell everybody was right, I was too nice and me being too nice caused that, and it came back and bit me in the ass like everybody said it would.. I didn't wanna admit to you that you was right but I accepted that you were right..

I put us all in danger by dealing with a person I knew was unstable and I did think about the what ifs.. Those 9 months on my own gave me a lot of time to find myself and even tho we got back together I didn't fully grasp the fact that I wasn't on my own anymore.

You came back and was doing everything to make life easier for me when it came down to my career and Sophie so easy that I forgot outside of that, that you were my equal..

I was treating you like an assistant instead of my husband and for that I'm sorry."

"Nova how do you feel about that?"

"It means.. I like that you apologized but baybeh it's cool cause I know you didn't look at it like that.."

"Thank you."

"As time goes on the weight on each of your shoulders will become lighter and the tension will be none existent..

You guys are the only couple that I've had in my office that's not at each other's throats.. I can tell there's still a lot of love between you two.. He's adamant about protecting your feelings..he's wiped every tear that you've cried in the office and y'all are sitting next to one another holding hands..

Those are all sure signs that you guys will come out of this together.. We have 15 more minutes left so I wanna give you guys your cool down exercise, is that okay?"

"Its fine with me."

"Yeah me too."

"Okay I want both of you to stand up and face each other and hold each other's hands."

"Okay I want you both to look deep into each other's eyes."

"Nova tell Keyah how you're feeling in this moment.."

"Okay.. Umm right now this reminds me of our second wedding.. That day I stood in this exact position looking you in your eyes seeing all the the love u had for me still, that even through my worse you still loved me and still wanted to be my wife..

I saw all the fun we had I saw all the fun we was gonna have.."

"Keyah I see a smile on your face tell me what you're feeling right now."

Too Fat Too Bad (Book 2) COMPLETE ‼️‼️‼️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon