Hell of being the eldest

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(Dick's POV)

As I began to walk home from school, I heard harsh and heavy steps coming from behind me. I quickly spun around, ready with my keys in different spots of my knuckles, just in case if it was anyone dangerous; only to see my brother Jason. "Jason, please don't walk behind a person like that. It seems like you're going to kill them or something.", I said. I paused, putting my keys back into my jacket pocket. I stood and waited for Jason to catch up to me. That was until he did the very opposite and just kept walking as if  I wasn't standing there waiting for him.

I let out an annoyed groan. "Jason! Wait for me, please! Why did you just walk past me?!" I yelled hoping that he would stop for me, but he kept walking like I didn't even matter to him. "Jason!", I called before sprinting to his side. Once I caught up, I began to pant ever so slightly, while putting my hands on my knees; before looking up at him with a grin.  "So Jason how was your spectacular day at school?" I asked trying to make small talk with this robotic individual. All I got in return was a huff, so I decided that small talk was a no-go for today.

As I was about to try again, I got a dm from a friend Wally, it read said, 'Hey Dick, you're out of prison called "school", right?'. I try to suffocate the chuckle that was close to coming from my mouth, so that Jason won't look at me weirdly and texted Wally back saying, 'Yeah, Jay and I are just walking home rn.' I smiled as I noticed that the text was already marked read, and I placed my phone away. I then looked back to the walk ahead of me to notice that Jason was looking at me the entire time. I quickly looked down at my feet to hide my embarrassment. 

(Jason's POV)

I watched as Dick sent a text to someone called 'Wally', and noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. 'Why is he blushing? Is that dude flirting with him?' I began to ask myself.  I kept watching my brother text ' Wally', while I just scowled at his phone and whoever was on the other side of it. Before I knew it he caught me as I was staring at his phone. He quickly looked away from me, while turning red. 'What the fuck is wrong with him? Why doesn't he want me to see what he's texting??' I was close to becoming upset until I noticed that he was speed walking away from me. The next thing I knew, he was almost  8 feet away from me. 

Of course, I had to catch up to him so I sprinted towards him and ended right beside him once more. I looked at Dick's features to see that he looked pissed. "Are you mad at me for looking at your phone?" I asked because I wasn't used to him being quiet. After all, he was usually the chatterbox in the family. "No, Jason, I'm just embarrassed, so please just don't talk to me the rest of the way home." He said before walking ahead of me again. 'Wow... I feel like I just pissed a carebear off.' I mentally told myself. The atmosphere around us felt terrible, and he didn't even bother to make sure I was been behind him or anything. As we approached home, he quickly opened the front door, and I barely caught the door as it was beginning to close on me. 

I watched as Dick hurriedly got away from me, and I couldn't help but wonder what was so bad about just texting a guy. 'Unless... Did he like him? Does Dick like this 'Wally' guy?' I quickly thought. I couldn't help but feel as if an elephant was sitting on my chest after wondering if Dick has feelings for that boy. 'But why am I feeling like this? Shouldn't I be happy for him?' I stayed in the main entrance a little longer than I usually do, because I was trying to answer all of the millions of questions that were running around my head.

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