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Marshall POV
I was painstakingly bored on this fine evening and it was getting rather dark out and quickly. I thought to myself, who should I fuck with. Fiona?
Nah, she'd rip my hair out and Cake would scratch me.
Ice Qu- oh lord no.
Flame prince?
Too hot.
Gumwad it is.
So anywho I began flying my way to the Candy Kingdom when I noticed some loud music coming from the palace, is Gumbutt having a party?
And he didn't invite me, damn.
Time to go fuck shit up, let's hope it's not a family reunion, Id hate to get in the middle of one of those again.
I slip into the palace with ease and as expected Gummie had a ball going on, God he's such a girl, I mean just....the pink. I slithered through the crowd, smiling and waving at people who called me out and giving some devil horns to the children until I found the mighty pink prince.
I turned invisible and sneaked behind him and tapped his shoulders, from which he full on smacked me in the face, causing me to change back into my visible form.
"M-Marshal Lee how dare you! You can't just sneak up on me!!"
He placed his rosy colored hands on his hips and huffed.
"It's a pleasure to see you to Gum"
I got obnoxiously close to him, causing him to lean back and raise a brow at me, he placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back.
"Marshall, personal space is a key factor of any friendship."
I sucked my teeth and snickered at his comment and turned away from him, causing him to look at me confused.
"Why do you have a ball on tonight?"
"Why not?"
"Why didn't you invite me?"
"Because it's suppose to be formal and your"
I rolled my eyes at this comment, fucking princes.

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