Together Again, Forever | The Walking Dead

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As the group- what was left of it, huddled together in the back of the remainders of a burnt down building, the swarm of walkers surrounded them. They had their weapons raised, but there was just so many. Rick desperately looked around for a way out, but realized there was none. He looked to his left, where he saw Carl, fear in his eyes. He looked to his right, where he saw Maggie, holding her and Glenn's baby, crying. He saw Rosita, Sasha, Aaron, Daryl, Michonne, Carol, Eugene, Tara- everyone. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at all of these people- people who he's survived with for years, people who have saved him, who he's saved. People he cared about in a world that had left him with nothing to care about. The swarm closed in, they didn't have much time. He could hear the sobs of his friends as his ears rang, his hands shaking.

He took a deep breath. "You- you guys are my family." He said, tears streaming down his trembling face. "You always- you always will be." He turned back to face the swarm as it came upon them. There was no way out. Rick reached out and took the hands of Carl and Maggie. They all began reaching their hands out to each other. They all held on to each other as the walkers began to devour them. Maggie held her and Glenn's son close. She began to see a bright light, and the sobs and screams of her friends began to fade out in the background until there was nothing but silence and bright white light. A voice came in, faintly.

"Maggie?" The bright light began to fade, until beautiful sky blue color surrounded her. She suddenly felt warm. There were clouds, there were trees, small white flowers covering the grass on the ground- everything seemed to slightly glow. The sun was brightly glowing in the sky, and there was a slight rainbow formed over the trees. A small breeze gently blew her hair across her face. Across from her, the silhouette of someone began to grow closer, and closer, a beautiful glow around them. As the figure got closer, and the breeze slowed down, she saw him.


Her heart began racing and tears came streaming out of her eyes as she ran towards the love of her life. She jumped into his arms and began sobbing. She felt his arms wrap around her and he held her tightly as the breeze picked up again, sending leaves falling gently down from the trees around them. She had her head on his shoulder, and her arms up around him. They held each other there for what seemed like forever. He could feel her entire body shaking as tears fell from his eyes, remembering what it felt like and how much he missed holding her in his arms. She felt his breath on her neck as she heard a whisper, "I told you, Maggie." After hearing his voice, she pulled away from his shoulder and looked into his brown eyes, which she hadn't seen for years. "Told me what?" She said, a small smile forming on her face. A single tear fell from Glenn's eye as he moved his hand up and gently stroked her face.

"That I would find you." Tears fell from her eyes and they both smiled. "I love you," she said as he pulled her in for a kiss.

They pulled away when a small voice was heard. "Mommy? Daddy?" They turned to their right as they saw their son. He ran to them as they kneeled down and pulled him into their arms. Glenn began to cry as he held in his arms the son he never got to meet, and the person who he loved more than anything. He kissed his sons forehead and squeezed both him and Maggie tighter to him, never wanting to let go. As the sky turned into a beautiful pink and orange sunset, he realized something. He realized that there was no more pain, no more suffering. They were all together again, all of them. He could finally rest- they all could.


After their reunion, Glenn was holding his son in his right arm, and Maggie's hand in his left. They walked through the beautiful field together, staying close. The sun was setting as they followed a trail of flowers up a hill. When they got to the top, they saw a large group of people sitting together. They hesitated for a moment, then began to walk up. As they neared the group, they began to shake. Rick. Carl. Judith. Lori. Hershel. Beth. Tyreese. Sasha. Abraham. Rosita. Eugene. Aaron. Carol. Tara. Daryl. Enid. Deanna. Noah... everyone. All sitting, in a large group, together. Glenn, Maggie, and their child slowly got closer, as the group turned to them. Hershel and Beth's stomachs dropped as they saw Glenn & Maggie, and the baby, standing there before them. They all began crying and were reunited once again, forever. After Beth, Maggie, and Hershel shared a long hug and a lot of tears, they all settled down and sat down atop this hill, watching the sun slowly set around them. 

Rick sat with Judith in his arms. Lori looked over at Carl, her son, who had grown so much since she had seen him last forever ago. Tears welled her eyes. "Thank you," she said to her son. He turned to her, confused. "For what?" Lori wiped a tear from her cheek. "For doing the right thing, even in a world like that. You listened to me, you kept that promise. I'm so proud of you, baby boy," She said. He looked at his mom, sitting before him. They shared a sweet hug.

Across the circle, Hershel held the baby in his arms, a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. He was a grandfather. Glenn was a father. A small chain was dangling out of Glenn's pocket. Something slowly dropped out. Hershel saw it. The watch. His mind went back to the day on the farm, where he gave Glenn the watch. 

"If you become a father someday, you'll understand. No man is good enough for your little girl." He glanced over at Glenn, sitting, talking, smiling, with Maggie in his arms. "Until one is." 

He glanced down at Maggie's hand, held in Glenn's. The ring sparkling on her finger. A smile came upon his face as his grandson was in his arms, his daughters beside him, and his family around him. As the sun went down and the stars filled the sky, everyone smiling, everyone happy. They knew: it was all over. They could be in peace, together. 



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